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THE ALLIANCE REVIEW <br /> /t.c.v i` .. - :;•:,fie:t"..i s �4;:::},:< . <br /> t,^.zm '`>N'i.u::zt-�e�.hfv" #�' • {kYi7: <br /> 3i. z ::3+i - <br /> - I <br /> 14 <br /> The following information was taken from recent issues of the Weekly Legislative Update for SHPOs and ' : : A <br /> Preservation Action Legislative Watch, publications from the National Conference of State Historic ,.:: <br /> Preservation O acers and Preservation Action. . <br /> : .. .-. . . <br /> SENATE DEBATES CARA HHAA GETS 219 <br /> Committee Work Slow but Sure a The Historic Homeownership Assistance <br /> After three days of debate and 11 proposed amend- Act, H. R . 1172 , got a bit of a boost as a total of five <br /> ments , the Senate . Energy and Natural Resources Congressmen signed their names on the dotted line <br /> Committee appearspp on track to approve the to raise the number of co - sponsors to 219 . <br /> Conservation and Reinvestment Act when it recon- Representatives Tom Campbell (R- CA) , Thomas <br /> venes next week. However, procedural delays , Davis (R-VA) , Bob Franks (R-NJ) , Benjamin <br /> strict Senate rules and dwindling days in the leg- Gilman (R-NY) , and John Sununu (R-NH) have all <br /> signed on to the bill . This gives it a majority and <br /> islative calendar all threaten its progress and the <br /> Committee may be unable to move the bill before sends a strong message of support to the tax writ- <br /> the August recess , ing committee and House leadership . <br /> In spite of these fears , supporters where cheered to Supporters are closely watching debate in both <br /> see a strong block of support for the bill . Senators Houses on proposed tax cuts . Congressional work <br /> Frank Murkowski (R-AK) and Peter Fitzgerald (R- is almost complete on marriage penalty and estate <br /> IL) voted with the Democrats to defeat harmful tax relief. However, threatened Presidential vetoes <br /> amendments , joined, in one case, by Senator Jim and scores of additional tax cut requests leave the <br /> Bunning (R-KY) . Nearly all the members indicat- final outlines of a tax deal far from certain. <br /> ed their support of the specific programs contained Preservation Action and the National Trust will <br /> in the measure including the Historic Preservation continue to advocate on behalf of the bill but we <br /> Fund which would be fully funded at $ 150 million need your messages from the field . Every letter, <br /> a year. Indeed, time and again, Senators noted with phone call and visit regarding <br /> F[HAA moves us <br /> favor that this bill would give states and local gov- closer to our goal . This majority is unprecedented <br /> ernments the money they need to protect our and shows the impact the grassroots can make . If <br /> nation ' s natural, scenic and historic resources . your member is not already a co- sponsor call, write <br /> or a-mail today. For list of co - sponsors e-mail us at <br /> Stay tuned, continued letters and calls to commit- preservationaction@worldnet . <br /> tee members are still needed . Thank them for their <br /> support of the HPF and urge them to act quickly to <br /> pass CARA . <br /> 6 <br />