HPC agenda 092299
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Historic Preservation Commission
HPC agenda 092299
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12/16/2019 4:44:19 PM
Creation date
12/16/2019 4:43:45 PM
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3 <br /> Historic Register Nomination for the mill as they are neighbors . Allison encouraged a contact <br /> with Pat Dickinson and the owners of the Faucette Mill about a district nomination as she also <br /> wrote the Chatwood nomination and familiar with the process and properties . Connor agreed to <br /> talk to both parties and report back to the HPC . <br /> Allison noted that there are some sites listed on the National Register Study List that probably <br /> won ' t be designated on the LLD such as the Paisley Rice Log House because it was moved and <br /> altered . Arymount and The Benjamin Duke House were declined by the owners , the Hogan <br /> Plantation site doesn ' t have anything left to preserve, and Maple Hill no longer qualifies . <br /> Allison suggested that the easier properties have already been done such as Moorefields and <br /> Bingham School for LLD , so we need to move into next realm . Anderson noted that The Oaks <br /> might be next. Allison suggested that as money had been spent on the White Oak Grove School <br /> National Register Nomination be rolled over to a Local Landmark Designation as it has cultural <br /> influence and to encourage continued stabilization by the community efforts . <br /> Stancil reviewed the HPC ' s priorities the highest being to get the manuscript completed by <br /> moving forward withithe contract. The next priority being Local Landmark Designations : White <br /> Oak Grove School and a possible National Register Study Nomination for a district including <br /> Faucette Mill & Millhouse, Chatwood and Connor Farmstead and, the continuation of St . Mary ' s <br /> Road project . <br /> Allison noted that the HPC would need to determine whether to pursue a district or corridor <br /> study nomination after the final reports are received from Linda Stine and GAI Consultants . <br /> Connor suggested that Pat Dickinson might be involved in this project also . Allison noted <br /> doubts of getting the project nominated for a National Register Nomination as approximately <br /> fifty percent of the structures are non- contributing from the Park Service standpoint. Connor <br /> questioned if there was another type of designation . Allison said that Geoff Henry would need to <br /> tell the HPC about those options when he presents the final report . It could. be that an <br /> archeological designation might be the answer: It was noted . that the viewshed of the St . Mary ' s <br /> Road Project is in jeopardy of being heavily developed . <br /> Stancil noted the linkage to the BOCC goal of pursuing viewshed protection goals to protect the <br /> integrity of significant historic sites and districts . <br /> with the Agricultural Districts Advisory Board in conjunction <br /> Allison suggested the HPC work <br /> with farmland preservation. He further noted this project will be an ongoing long term project <br /> starting with receiving and acting on the final report, possibly working with ADAB input, pulling <br /> together a coalition of land owners support, reporting to the BOCC and making a <br /> recommendation of what we want to do with a protective ordinance . Stancil said he would <br /> inform the ADAB of the HPC interest in talking about this topic and include it in the next <br /> Environment & Resource Steering Committee meeting . The issue of citizen cooperation was <br /> noted to be of great importance for the success of the project. <br /> Anderson asked if anyone knew if Nets Anderson was moving forward with having his house <br /> nominated for NRSL , noting that landowners along the St . Mary ' s Road could encourage their <br /> the overall project in a positive manner. <br /> neighbors with <br /> Allison suggested sharing the St . Mary ' s Road final reports with the ADAB . Rich suggested <br /> inviting the ADAB to the meeting when the final report is to be presented by Linda Stine and <br /> Geoff Henry . Stancil to provide information to the ADAB as suggested . <br /> Last updated 09/03/99 <br />
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