Orange County NC Website
Donald Belk - <br /> July 12, 1999 <br /> Page Two <br /> In light of the fact that Orange County has entered into a contract to have a National Register <br /> nomination prepared for the property, I telephoned you last week to apprise you of our re- <br /> assessment of the former White Oak Grove School. As we, discussed then, it is highly unlikely <br /> that the Keeper of the National Register would approve a nomination for the building unless the <br /> majority of the changes are reversed. Because there is more latitude regarding standards of <br /> Physical integrity for designation of a property as a local landmark and because there is strong <br /> recognition in the community of the building's cultural importance, you might consider having <br /> Your consultant prepare a local designation report rather than a National Register nomination for <br /> the former school;. <br /> This letter is likely to disappoint the Orange County Historic Preservation Commission, but I <br /> hope that you and the commission will agree that it is better that we apprise you of the building's <br /> lack of potential eligibility for the Register now instead of after further effort is expended <br /> preparing a nomination. We try to be as confident as possible of our recommendations to the <br /> National Register Advisory Committee regarding Study List applications, but this is one of the <br /> rage occasions in which an ineligible property is placed on the list. <br /> I understand that Rick Mattson has already shared his doubts about the former school's National <br /> Register eligibility with members of the community, who indicated that they would continue <br /> striving to restore the building regardless of National Register status. I will be happy to answer <br /> any questions you, the commission, and members of the community may have about our re- <br /> evaluation of the school and potential local designation of the property. " <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Claudia R. Brown, Supervisor . <br /> Survey and Planning Branch <br /> State Historic Preservation Office <br /> Copy to R. Mattson: <br /> CRB/cp <br />