HPC agenda 071499
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Historic Preservation Commission
HPC agenda 071499
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Last modified
12/16/2019 4:43:45 PM
Creation date
12/16/2019 4:39:01 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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006 <br /> Project Summary. In January, 1998 , Orange County applied for a grant from the <br /> Certified Local Governments program administered by the NC Department of Cultural <br /> Resources . Two months later, the County received a $ 4 , 000 grant to conduct a <br /> preservation planning study of the St . Mary ' s Road Corridor . The study will involve an <br /> intensive evaluation of the area and assessment of possible preservation options , such as <br /> scenic byway designation, open space easements , National Register listing , and local <br /> historic district or landmark designation. The St. Mary ' s Road Corridor Preservation <br /> Plan will identify the important architectural, archeological, and cultural features that <br /> distinguish the corridor as a historically significant landscape in Orange County . The <br /> Plan will identify : potential National Register sites and districts ; scenic viewsheds ; <br /> natural resource areas, such as forests , floodplains , and wetlands ; and farmland resources, <br /> including land in present agricultural use as well prime farmland soils . <br /> The first steps in the St. Mary ' s Road Corridor Preservation Plan will consist of a historic <br /> architectural survey and an archeological resource survey . <br /> Architectural survey. The architectural survey will encompass the St. Mary ' s Road <br /> Corridor ( SR 1002) , generally within an area from US 70 , east of Hillsborough, to the <br /> Durham County line, a distance of approximately six miles . The survey will consist of an <br /> update to the 1992 - 1993 Orange County Historic Architectural Inventory, and will <br /> include new surveys of structures not included in the original Inventory . The scope of <br /> work consists of the following components : ( 1 ) update the original surveys of properties <br /> within the corridor; (2) conduct surveys of recently identified historic sites ; (3 ) evaluate <br /> the potential for a National Register Historic District within the corridors ; and (4) report <br /> findings to the Orange County Historic Preservation Eommission . <br /> Archeological Resource Survey . The archeological survey comprises three principal <br /> components : ( 1 ) baseline research; (2) limited field reconnaissance ; and (3 ) the <br /> development of a research design for fin they archaeological work. This project seeks to <br /> determine the extent to which the current road location deviates from its historic trading <br /> path location(s) ; provide detailed maps of former locations of the road, historic <br /> structures , and landscape alterations associated with those historic locations and indicate <br /> the potential each holds for the recovery of significant archaeological information. <br /> Furthermore, the project seeks to reconstruct the prehistoric (Paleo -Indian — post- <br /> contact) and historic ( 17th — 20th century) landscapes along the corridor and explain the <br /> differences within the context of a regional history . <br /> After the surveys and resource inventories are completed, a public education effort will <br /> commence . This initiative will engage residents and landowners within the Corridor in <br /> establishing preservation goals for the area. <br /> 1 approximate location from the intersection of SR 1595 to about 0 .4 miles west of intersection with SR <br /> 1548 <br /> 2 <br />
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