Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Allison stated that it seemed that the Phelps Farm wanted the county to fund the National Register <br /> Nomination but they were not convinced that they wanted it to be designated as a local landmark . He <br /> stated that he felt that there should be a commitment from the family that if the county funds the <br /> nomination that they do the landmark designation . <br /> Belk stated that if the county were to fund a national register nomination and the owner then destroys the <br /> house, there is no recourse . Rich noted that if a property owner is not interested then move on to the next <br /> one on the list . <br /> Samford asked if two nominations could be done with the $ 6100 available . Belk responded that it would <br /> probably be just one nomination and the remainder of the funds could hopefully be rolled over to next <br /> year . <br /> Allison suggested to designate Ayr Mount as a local landmark as soon as possible . Belk stated that he <br /> would have a draft ordinance ready for the Commission for next month ' s meeting . <br /> Anderson asked about the status of the Cabe Pratt Harris House (Riverbend Farm) . Belk responded that <br /> he had not heard, but when the property is formally listed the Department will be notified . He stated that <br /> he would have a status report for the Commission by the next meeting . <br /> Belk noted that also for the next meeting he will have the manuscript materials for the HPC to review. <br /> AGENDA ITEM #7 : INFORMATIONAL ITEMS <br /> a. Letter of Recommendation for Carolyn Conner <br /> b . Letter from John Reinhold re : development in The Oaks historic district <br /> c . Letter from SHPO : National Register Nomination for the Carolina Inn, <br /> Chapel Hill <br /> d . Newsletter : NC African-American Network on Historic Preservation <br /> e . Announcement: Annual Dinner of the Hillsborough Historical Society <br /> f. January/February 1999 Bulletin from NC Heritage Tourism Manager <br /> AGENDA ITEM #8 : ADJOURNMENT <br /> Allison adjourned the meeting at approximately 8 : 10 p . m . <br />