HPC agenda 042599
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Historic Preservation Commission
HPC agenda 042599
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12/16/2019 4:27:00 PM
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12/16/2019 4:26:06 PM
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003 <br /> DRAFT 3 <br /> the county will include those files to be shared with the HPC at that time and, the proposal to the State Historic <br /> Preservation Office to have this district placed on the study list as St. Mary ' s Road/Trading Path Historic Corridor . <br /> Henry explained that the study list is the first tier of the process , then if approved, followed by nomination <br /> preparation, public hearings and fine tunings of the boundaries . <br /> Dr. Linda Stine gave a report of archeological survey progress . It was noted that Tom Magnuson was apparently <br /> attempting to connect the different parts of the old Indian Trading Path, in neighboring counties . Dr. Stine <br /> displayed old trading path maps from the 1700 ' s and, reported that she had worked with Dan Simpkins of LNC in <br /> the 1980s who had attempted to put together where the path went all the way to Petersburg ' s trading area on the <br /> James River. The maps of then and now are so different it is impossible to just point out where the path actually <br /> went. There are some identifying landmarks such as Mt. Misery, quarry, log cabins , mills , with archeological <br /> findings that indicate the location of the old trading path . There was a discussion about a study that produced the <br /> Markum Map that is in the Register of Deeds, which concluded from research of the Granville Grants . Some maps <br /> showed old road and new road designations , it was noted that the road moved due to the river changing and seasons <br /> of wet, frozen temperatures caused the ruts of the road to become impassible . Another effect was many settlers <br /> having m,ills on the Eno River causing many paths over the years instead of one pathway. It was noted that aerial <br /> and topo maps are used to determine the remnants of the older path . The 1891 Tate map provided information for a <br /> couple of archeological sites , one being the Jackson Shop . <br /> Allison questioned if Stine thought there is qualifications for a historical site based on the archeological findings . <br /> Stine replied that the process is in the first stage of fmding sites and running out of field time already . There was one <br /> site before she started . We now have two sawmill sites, two quarry sites, the archeological potential of the Caine- <br /> Roberts site ' s buildings and mounds of artifacts and a log cabin site . Photographs were displayed of some of these <br /> areas . <br /> Connor asked if any artifacts had been collected that could be dated. Stine replied yes, that the procedure is to take <br /> pictures at this time . <br /> Staff requested guidance on how to proceed with additional work and areas to focus on from Dr. Stine . Allison <br /> asked if any prehistoric sites were located. Stine replied that prehistoric sites are noticeably absent even though we <br /> know the site was utilized . Tom Hargrove researched the Cates Access on the Eno State Park a few years ago and <br /> found that even in exposed areas he could not find a lot prehistoric items that easily, due to erosion . However, he <br /> found approximately eighty artifacts of Middle Archaic nature . The Eno River area should be rich with these . Stine <br /> requested the Commission ' s desires as to setting boundaries for the archeological research . The HPC concluded that <br /> the research should be closely related to Mr. Henry ' s boundaries of the St. Mary' s Road as the Eno River is not <br /> threatened because of its attention by conservationists to expand the Eno River State Park. <br /> Stine suggested a matrix of all the prehistoric and historic periods and landscape themes as the National Register <br /> prefers good coherent themes of a schematic study enhanced with complimentary archeological resources . A theme <br /> might be " changing social systems over time and space" i . e . , from small little archaic encampments to Indian camp <br /> to settlers homestead/farm to larger plantations to smaller tenant farms . Another theme could be economy <br /> subsistence changes from more subsistence farms, to cash . crops including tobacco as the abundance of tobacco <br /> barns in the area were noted and that chicken houses and dairy farms also indicate ways of life and on to horse <br /> farms of today . Another theme discussed was transportation, which would bring the Eno River into boundary <br /> importance . <br /> The Commission discussed the due dates for the reports being August 15t' because the State Historic Preservation <br /> Office wants the project closed out by September 30t' which is tied to their funding cycle . The reports are submitted <br /> to the State first for their approval before the County sees the end result. <br /> AGENDA ITEM #60 STATUS REPORTS <br /> a. Caine Roberts House <br /> Nels Anderson inquired about information for his property being designated as a local landmark <br /> designation . Staff indicated he would have a strong case to have the Caine Roberts House placed on the <br /> Last Updated 08/09/99 <br />
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