Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> AGENDA ITEM #6 : ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION <br /> a. 1999 Historic Preservation Fund (CLG) Grant Application <br /> The final version of the application submitted to SHPO on January 30, 1999 for funds to prepare <br /> a National Register nomination for The Oaks Rural Historic Landscape District. <br /> iled . He stated that he should know by late March or <br /> Belk stated that the final product was ma <br /> early April whether or not the grant is approved . Allison asked if the grant is not approved, <br /> could the Commission contact the Commissioners and ask for the funds . Belk responded yes . <br /> b . Proposals to Conduct Architectural Survey of the St. Mary ' s Road Corridor <br /> Provided for your review are proposals received from Betsy Gohdes-Baten (pp. 17-28) and <br /> Longleaf Historic Resources (pp. 29- 75) . <br /> Allison asked when is the deadline for a decision on this item . Belk responded that the period for <br /> receiving proposals from consultants closed on February 19 , 1999 . He stated that he had <br /> received three proposals (two included in the agenda packet and one to be supplied - from GAI) . <br /> Belk stated that the decision has to be made fairly quickly . A contract has to be worked up <br /> because the contract has to go before the Board of Commissioners . <br /> Belk asked if the Commission would consider making a decision tonight or some other time . <br /> Allison statedx.that_ .he would like to look over the proposal from .:GAL . : The Commission <br /> discussed whether. to poll the members over the phone or have a! special meeting . ; They decided <br /> to hold a special; meeting to vote on a consultant . <br /> The Commission discussed the members whose terms are coming to an end . Belk stated that <br /> Anderson has agreed to serve on the HPC until a replacement is found . He asked Allison if he <br /> would be willing to serve on the Commission until a replacement is found . Allison responded <br /> yes . <br /> c. Request for Proposals - Archaeological Survey of the St. MarY ' s Road Corridor <br /> This RFP was mailed to the SHPO 's consultants list on February 17. <br /> Belk stated that there should be several proposals submitted . He stated that the period for <br /> receiving proposals has not closed yet . He noted that this information will be included in the <br /> March agenda packet . <br /> Samford asked if she should excuse herself from voting on a consultant if she worked for a <br /> company that submitted a proposal . Belk responded yes but that he would have to get some <br /> particulars to make sure this is okay . Allison stated that he would think that she could vote on a <br /> particular consultant provided she was not contracted to do the work . <br />