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Background Research <br /> Background research shall constitute the bulk of this study, conducted with the aim of achieving <br /> four primary goals . <br /> • Determine the extent to which the current road location deviates from its historic location(s) <br /> and provide an explanation of any deviations noted . <br /> • Provide detailed maps of former locations of the road, historic structures , and landscape <br /> alterations associated with those historic locations and indicate the potential each holds for <br /> ignificant archaeological information , <br /> the recovery of s <br /> • Reconstruct the prehistoric (Paleo4ndian — post- contact) and historic ( 17th — 20th century) <br /> landscapes along the corridor and explain the differences within the context of a regional <br /> history . <br /> • Develop a proposal for additional archaeological research that specifies the nature and extent <br /> of archival research and field work designed to gather more information about the prehistoric <br /> and historic sites that are, or may be , within the St. Mary ' s Road Corridor . <br /> A variety of resources will be reviewed in the process of gathering background information, <br /> including archival records , historic deeds and maps , architectural surveys , primary and secondary <br /> documentary evidence of environmental conditions such as soils , topographic, geologic and <br /> hydrologic maps , and published archaeological data ( see the attached bibliography for a partial <br /> list of sources) . This information will be used to create a model of settlement and land use in the <br /> corridor throughout the prehistoric and historic periods . The central theme of this study focuses <br /> on the changing relationship between environment and land use throughout the time that people <br /> have occupied the rural Hillsborough landscape . The primary purpose for gathering this <br /> background information is to provide the context within which all subsequent archaeological <br /> research in the corridor may be interpreted . <br /> Field Reconnaissance <br /> The limited archaeological field testing to be conducted for this project consists of three <br /> components , ( 1 ) those concerned with identifying any historically documented locations of the <br /> St . Mary ' s Road not in its current location or historic structures no longer standing, (2) the <br /> preliminary evaluation of the archaeological significance of such historic structures , landscapes , <br /> or associated deposits within the corridor and, (3 ) an assessment of the potential for the recovery <br /> of archaeological information concerning historic and prehistoric sites within the corridor . <br /> The first of these tasks has as its goal the investigation of any historically recorded road <br /> locations , structures or features of the landscape which may have been altered or superseded over <br /> the years . This . part of the field work might be considered " ground truthing" the results of the <br /> historical research. The historically recorded location of entities on any given map or plat may <br /> 2 <br />