Orange County NC Website
NPS Form 10 - 900 - a OMB No . - 1024 - 0018 <br /> ( 8 - 86 ) <br /> United States Department of the Interior <br /> National 'Park Service <br /> NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES <br /> CONTINUATION SHEET <br /> Section 10 Page 26 <br /> Woodville Historic District <br /> Berne County , North Carolina <br /> Section 10 : Geographical Data <br /> Verbal Boundary Description <br /> The boundaries of the Woodville Historic District, irregularly shaped, are outlined in black on the accompanying <br /> district map , a composite ofBertie County Tax Maps 5835 and 5836 . <br /> Boundary Justification <br /> The boundaries include the primary buildings, outbuildings, and appropriate landscape settings for each historic <br /> property. The boundaries include an appropriate amount of setting to convey the rural character of the district . In <br /> some cases, lot lines are not followed because they contain more than the maximum amount of acreage allowable. <br /> for setting, or because the home tract omits the vista to the main road . The amount of cultivated acreage included <br /> in the boundaries is small, and an agricultural context was not written for this district because the farms were <br /> physically removed from the village during the period of significance . <br />