Orange County NC Website
1999 HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND (HPF) APPLICATION FORM <br /> State Historic Preservation Office <br /> North Carolina Division of Archives and History <br /> III. ABSTRACT OF PROPOSED PROJECT <br /> During the inventory of historic resources in the unincorporated portions of Orange County, <br /> The Oaks Crossroads was placed on the National Register � Study List as a district deemed <br /> potentially eligible for the National Register by the North Carolina National Register Advisory <br /> Committee . The rural crossroads community centers on the historic crossroads of Old <br /> Hillsborough Road and Old Fayetteville Road, now the intersection of North Carolina Highway <br /> 54, Mebane Oaks Road, Saxapahaw Road, and Lloydtown Road. The community is comprised <br /> of a * small, dispersed collection of buildings dating to various periods in the 19th and early 20th <br /> centuries—including several domestic single-family residences , a church, and a historic academy <br /> that now serves as a bed-and-breakfast. There are also several unoccupied cultivated and <br /> forested tracts within the area. <br /> The Oaks crossroads and environs contain suitable contributing characteristics to qualify as <br /> a rural historic district. The Oaks area exhibits elements of a historic cultural landscape , a <br /> landscape that has evolved through use by the people whose activities and occupancy have <br /> modified the physical environment. Affected by the processes of land uses, patterns of spatial <br /> organization, responses to the natural environment, and cultural traditions, The Oaks is reflective of <br /> an agricultural-based, tightly-knit community that was self-reliant and innovative in character. The <br /> Oaks possesses a significant concentration, linkage , and continuity of land uses , buildings and <br /> structures, roads, and natural features that would qualify it as a National Register Rural Historic <br /> District. Furthermore, this district contains significant examples of mid-to-late 19th and early 20th <br /> century vernacular and stylish architecture . Among these are the Bingham School, a National <br /> Register property . <br />