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Trading Path Preservation Association Proposal 2 <br /> 6 <br /> INTRODUCTION <br /> The Trading Path Preservation Association exists today only as a concept. <br /> But the concept has broad -based support at the national , state and local <br /> levels of government, among related conservation NGOs , and among <br /> academics familiar with the importance of the subject. In the coming <br /> weeks and months the Trading- Path Association will become a real and <br /> vital institution . <br /> SUMMARY <br /> The Trading Path Preservation Association will preserve what is known as <br /> " The Indian Trading Path " as a national heritage treasure . The Trading <br /> Path , a corridor of river crossings linked by roads and trails between the <br /> James River colonial settlements ( nominally Petersburg , VA ) and the <br /> Cherokee country in the Carolinas and Georgia . Interstate Highway 85 <br /> approximates its course today . It served Indian commerce prior to <br /> European colonization , and it served as one of the principle avenues for <br /> European penetration of the Piedmont of the Southeastern United States . <br /> Indian and , later, European settlements occupied key points along its <br /> course many of which persist to this day . Around them and in towns long <br /> abandoned and erased from the map lie much of the history of the <br /> Southeastern Piedmont. Preservation of the remnants of The Trading Path <br /> will secure archaeologically important materials as yet unstudied , create <br /> an unrivaled tool for education about the Piedmont' s peoples and <br /> environment, and bring heritage tourism to numerous economically <br /> bypassed rural communities in the Trading Path Corridor. <br /> This prospectus seeks your support in this startup process . Your <br /> endorsement would be invaluable , as would be your active assistance in <br /> promoting this project throughout your influential network of heritage <br /> preservationists . <br />