<br /> TO : Orange County Board of Commissioners
<br /> .00
<br /> FROM : John Link, County Manager
<br /> DATE : October 15 , 1998
<br /> RE : Periodic Updates on Signifcant Topics
<br /> I have, several updates for you as summarized below and in the enclosed attachments :
<br /> 1 . Orangre Community Housing Corporation
<br /> At the April 21 , 1998 BOCC , the Board approved additional funding for the Orange Community Housing Corporation to
<br /> help alleviate a shortfall in the agency 's budget . One of the cric�itions of the approvale;„ as the submission of quarterly
<br /> status reports to the County. Attachment 1 is a report for the eriod ending June 30 , 1u $w;The report includes an update
<br /> on program activities and financial atements-s, '
<br /> p t The Housin }�� =a €c : Community Deve ;Q director and Finance
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<br /> Director have r .r _ ` ' fi
<br /> reviewed the report `
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<br /> clarification and refinement. A ttaeft erits ,I2a d�: 1 4ir ' of rl' ec ;:goal Stater r� and Preservation and
<br /> Historic Preservation . Please let' _ ` ran< ` =`< :` `:' . : Y ,Ya: r .:
<br /> KK i 1,0, '�C' e �1�1�#�oc% � �a rqe u It� �t r� ha IV d �s you may have regarding
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<br /> 3 . Orange Resource Connection
<br /> As I noted in my September 3 Manager' s Memo , the Information Technology Committee has been reviewing options for
<br /> carrying out the functions envisioned in the " Orange Resource Connection " of providing useful reference information
<br /> about available human services and providers to citizens and agencies alike . The report at Attachment 3 was discussed
<br /> by the IT Committee, and Chair John Smith has met with the Human Services. Managemenfi Team to discuss how best to
<br /> implement this information distribution function . The HSMT endorses the IT Committee recommendations in the
<br /> accompanying report .
<br /> 4 . October 8 LOG Meeting " Quick Report"
<br /> The LOG staff prepares a " quick report" after each LOG meeting to provide a brief summary of actions taken at that
<br /> meeting . Attachment 4 is the report from the most recent LOG meeting on October 8 . Note that the LOG plans to invite
<br /> all elected officials to attend the next meeting on November 12 , which is slated to include an opportunity to talk with
<br /> representatives of the consulting firm that has been retained to assist the LOG in designing and developing a materials
<br /> recovery facility (MRF) . I have asked staff to develop a list of points related to MRFs that we plan to circulate to you in
<br /> the next couple of weeks to help you formulate any questions you may want to put to the consultant for that meeting .
<br /> AREA CODE (919) 7321118181 • 96 & 4501 • 688 - 7331 • 2271112031 • FAX (919) 6441A3004
<br />