HPC agenda 042298
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Historic Preservation Commission
HPC agenda 042298
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/16/2019 3:58:44 PM
Creation date
12/16/2019 3:57:29 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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008 <br /> Belk stated that he has only heard from one property owner - the owner of the Benjamin Duke <br /> House . They have indicated that they do not wish to pursue local landmark designation at this <br /> time . Belk asked them to reconsider and he intends to follow- up with them again . <br /> Satterfield asked if they gave reasons for not wanting to pursue local landmark designation ? <br /> Belk replied that he reminded them of the tax break and they stated that they simply had plans for <br /> the property , plans for the house and did not wish to " encumber their plans in any way by <br /> bringing on additional requirements " . Belk stressed that their goals for preserving the property <br /> be consistent with the goals of the Commission, but he was unable to get them to change their <br /> minds . <br /> Dickinson asked if they had goals for preserving the property ? Or goals for doing something <br /> else ? <br /> Belk replied that the owner indicated that they have every desire to " improve " the house . He did <br /> not get a thorough explanation, but they do intend to keep the house and indicated a desire to <br /> modernize it . They also intend to keep the land in the family . <br /> Belk stated that he has not heard from the Smith- Cole Pittard owners , but will follow up until he <br /> gets an answer . <br /> Allison stated that he tried to contact Carl Lloyd to see if he would contact Mr. Cole . He will try <br /> him again and let Belk know. <br /> b . Grant Award from NC Department of Cultural Resources <br /> Allison stated that he received a letter from the N . C . Department of Cultural Resources stating <br /> that Orange County has been awarded $ 5 , 000 . There was no indication what this grant money <br /> was for . After speaking with Belk, it turns out that it is a non-matching gift grant for publication <br /> of the manuscript . <br /> Belk stated that Allison simply has to fill out a form and turn it in . The proposal was that the <br /> County put up $ 5 , 000, the Commission obtain a federation loan for $ 5 , 000 and attempt to raise <br /> $ 5 , 000 in the community . So the Commission how has 1 /3 of what is needed . The other $ 5 , 000 <br /> is before the Board of Commissioners now. <br /> Anderson made a resolution of thanks to Todd Dickinson for all of his years of work, including <br /> chairing the Commission . <br /> The Commission was in total agreement . <br /> Satterfield and Allison both credited Dickinson with their being on the Commission. <br /> 8 <br />
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