2019-905-E Animal Svc - Cat Pawsative enrichment program
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2019-905-E Animal Svc - Cat Pawsative enrichment program
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12/13/2019 10:55:12 AM
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12/13/2019 10:08:57 AM
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R 2019-905 Animal Svc - Cat Pawsative enrichment program
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DocuSign Envelope ID: E0088F53-4B59-4B18-AAE6-F12ED9C19056 <br /> ■ Completed data spreadsheets and behaviorjournals will be due on April 13, 2020. <br /> • Ensure that the data spreadsheet continues to be maintained through March 30, 2021 to track various metrics <br /> relevant to the cats and people participating in any form of positive reinforcement clicker training after the official <br /> end of the program.The year-long data spreadsheet will be due on April 15,2021. <br /> • Ensure completion of all required GGO follow-up reports and impact surveys regarding continued use of positive <br /> reinforcement training for one year fallowing completion of program. <br /> ■ Items to be tracked include, but are not limited to, number of cats participating,number of adoptions, <br /> length of stay [LOS] of trained cats and regular cat population, return rate of trained cats and regular cat <br /> population, number of volunteers/staff participating. <br /> ■ Ensure adequate staff and/or volunteer participation(between four and six total people)for the program <br /> ■ Assign one person to serve as a Cat Pawsitive Team Leader.This person should be assigned by November 20`'and <br /> his/her name and contact information provided to GGO via Foundant by that time. <br /> • In addition,Organization will work with Cat Pawsitive Team Leader to assign(a minimum of three and up <br /> to five)staff members and/or volunteers to be part of the Organization's Cat Pawsitive team.On January 3, <br /> 2020,the Organization's Cat Pawsitive Team Leader will receive guidance on choosing team members.The <br /> Team Leader should submit team member contact information to GGO by January 10,2020.Please note that <br /> Cat Pawsitive training supplies(dickers, treat aprons,etc.)will not be shipped to the Organization until the <br /> team list has been submitted. <br /> ■ Once Organization's initial Cat Pawsitive team completes training,the online training materials will become <br /> available for use by entire Organization. <br /> • Ensure adequate training session time for participating cats and team members <br /> ■ An average of 20-30 minutes per cat, per training day; 3-4 training days per week. <br /> • With guidance from GGO,ensure selection of appropriate cats for training during the program. (If a participating <br /> cat is adopted during the program,Organization will select another appropriate cat to be trained.)Team Leader will <br /> receive guidance on choosing cats for the program. <br /> ■ Ensure Team Leader and team member access to participating cats <br /> ■ Please note that for Cat Pawsitive to be successful,participating volunteers and staff must be able to have access to <br /> cats for training at flexible times that allow the optimal number of volunteers to work with the optimal number of cats. <br /> Training of cats can occur during and/or outside of adoption hours,whenever your building is open to staff.Training does not <br /> need to be limited to times when the general public does not have access to the building. <br /> • Provide a Cat Pawsitive space in the she center, if Organization has a central physical location. <br /> ■ This is a small space where team members can securely store Cat Pawsitive supplies and post updates an progress and <br /> adoption status of program cats.This can be as simple as providing a storage bin and a white board in the volunteer sign-in <br /> area,in a break room,in a storage area...anywhere that team members can go before and after every training session to pick <br /> up supplies,fill out and store behavior journals, and stay in the loop with how things are going with each cat. <br /> ■ Complete Cat Pawsitive training assignments by deadlines as set forth by GGO. <br /> 2 <br />
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