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33 <br /> <br />of Procedure as submitted by the County Attorney in Attachment 3 clarifying opportunities for <br />public comment at Board meetings. <br /> <br />Commissioner McKee said this change will take a massive amount of effort to update <br />documents. <br />David Hunt said this is merely used as a reference going forward involving changes in <br />the Rule of Procedure and the calendar at this time, and staff will correct items going forward. <br />He said staff is not looking to retroactively make changes to historical documents. <br />Commissioner McKee said he is referring to other documents that are currently in use, <br />and he does not understand the issue between a regular meeting and a business meeting. <br />John Roberts said State Statute defines any board meeting as a regular meeting, and <br />jurisdictions must have a minimum of one regular meeting per calendar month. He said <br />historically, the BOCC has referred to regular meetings as only those meetings where votes are <br />taken. He said in an effort to try to separate this, David Hunt came up with the idea to use the <br />term ‘business meeting’, like other towns do. <br />Commissioner McKee said it is not worth arguing over. <br />Commissioner Price said she has a concern about this also, but if staff says it is easy, <br />then she is fine with it. She said changing the names does not get to the point of the discussion <br />that regular meetings are when people can talk. She said work sessions are for the Board to <br />deliberate and discuss. <br />David Hunt, Deputy Clerk, said that by State Statute, all of the Board’s meetings could <br />be considered as regular meetings. He said staff is proposing using the term ‘business <br />meeting’ to help clarify this. <br />John Roberts said staff has included definitions, and specifically defined when the public <br />can speak. <br />Commissioner Greene said it makes sense to her, and the Town of Chapel Hill does the <br />same. She said Item 6 is good; and it is just a change in terminology, and the second concern <br />is communication. She said this is a good start. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Marcoplos, seconded by Commissioner Greene <br />to approve changing all references to the Board’s formal meetings from “Regular Meeting” to <br />“Business Meeting” going forward; and the modifications to the Rules of Procedure as submitted <br />by the County Attorney in Attachment 3 clarifying opportunities for public comment at Board <br />meetings. <br /> <br />VOTE: Ayes, 6; Nays, 1 (Commissioner McKee) <br /> <br />9. County Manager’s Report <br />None <br /> <br />10. County Attorney’s Report <br />None <br /> <br />11. Appointments <br />None <br /> <br />12. Information Items <br />The Board received the following information items: <br /> <br /> October 15, 2019 BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions List