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31 <br /> <br />(MOUs) that limit the roles of SROs, in order to prevent abuses and criminalization of low-level <br />crimes. He said he will continue to push for not using SROs at all, or having MOUs with the <br />schools to address the statistics. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said he appreciated Commissioner Dorosin’s comments, but <br />suggested he talk with Cait Fenhagen, Criminal Justice Resource Department, about Orange <br />County numbers. He said his office does have MOUs with the schools, which limit the authority <br />of the officers within school, and are recognized as the most effective MOU in the State. He <br />said the top two reasons children are arrested in North Carolina are disorderly conduct and <br />fighting, for which his staff do not arrest unless it becomes dangerous to the life and property of <br />another person. He said the schools handle disorderly conduct and fighting. He said the local <br />SROs take great care to ensure that children do not leave schools with unnecessary arrest <br />records, and he take offense that Commissioner Dorosin would accept that a study from another <br />county could represent the work being done in Orange County. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said brought this topic up at a joint meeting with the school <br />boards a few years ago, and the school boards want SROs. He said he appreciates that <br />Orange County has a lighter arrest record and practice. He said it is great if a school is willing <br />to pay for the SRO, and the County should allow it. <br />Commissioner Bedford said she can see both sides. She said she there was an incident <br />at East Chapel Hill High School, and the violent incident ruined a teacher’s life, who was an <br />excellent teacher. She said incidents do happen. She said the impetus for having SROs <br />started with a 7th grade middle student who committed suicide at Culbreth Middle School. She <br />said the goal needs to be continually refocused on preventing child injury. She said Orange <br />County has the luxury of having progressive law enforcement departments, and have done the <br />crisis training voluntarily, and times have changed. She said there are many ways for the <br />officers to help at the schools, and while it is sad that SROs are needed at all, if there is a <br />school willing to take on this cost then she can support the request. <br />Commissioner McKee said the Board can have policy and academic discussions and <br />arguments until it’s blue in the face, but if the Board does not approve this request, and <br />something happens at ERA, then the BOCC Board would be as responsible as the person who <br />does the violent action. <br />Commissioner Dorosin asked if ERA will have to sign a MOU. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said yes, and has already agreed to do this. <br />Chair Rich asked if this is a one-year contract, which will be revisited annually. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said yes. <br />Chair Rich asked if the other schools have a multiple year contract, and if MOUs are <br />reviewed. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said his predecessor rarely renewed them, but he saw the need and <br />heard the argument at the state level, and will renew MOUs every year. He said times change, <br />studies change, philosophies change, and these issues need to be addressed regularly. He <br />said his department addresses actions with warning citations, and takes its actions within the <br />schools very seriously. He said his department is not interested in children having unwarranted <br />criminal records, and is confident that those involved in criminal justice would back him up. <br />Commissioner McKee referred to the recent incident with the special needs child, and <br />said that person needs to be punished for a long time. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price for <br />the Board to: <br />1) Create a 1.0 FTE Deputy Sheriff I Position in the Orange County Sheriff’s Office for <br />Assignment to Eno River Academy; and <br />2) Approve Budget Amendment #2-A and the acceptance of offsetting revenue to cover the <br />pro-rated costs of the position for November 11, 2019 through June 30, 2020.