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30 <br /> <br />offer alternatives to many families. She said the ERA Board approved 100% funding for this <br />SRO position, and this is the type of precedent that the Board of County Commissioners should <br />want to set: valuing child safety, and being fiscally responsible. <br />Brad Tapper, ERA Board member, said he is an advocate for the SRO as safety is a top <br />concern, and is near and dear to his heart. He said earlier the BOCC spoke about safety <br />concerns and wanting rumble strips on the road, and now ERA is asking for the same thing: <br />safety at the school. He said ERA will fund this position completely, and is asking the BOCC to <br />put ERA students on a level playing field with everyone else. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said the County currently does not have an SRO at the school. He <br />said his department has been encouraged by the school to walk through the halls to identify <br />safety concerns. He said since 2017 there have been a total of 463 calls to the school involving <br />suspicious activity, response to alarms, locked keys in cars, minor crashes, etc. He said the <br />position would be fully funded by ERA, and would cost $70,069. He said the decision tonight is <br />not whether or not to assign an SRO to the school, as he plans to do this anyway. He said the <br />decision tonight is whether the Board will offer him an opportunity to get an FTE for him to offset <br />this SRO, which will be paid for by the school. He said he hopes the Board will concur that <br />leaving a school without an SRO is a bad decision, and he also hopes the Board would not <br />force him to diminish his services in other areas to fulfill this important need. <br />Commissioner Price asked if the school funds this position for a year, and then decides <br />it no longer wants the SRO, would the person be out of work. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said yes, it would be a one-year contract with that person. <br />Commissioner Price asked if this would be a person who is already serving on the <br />Sheriff’s staff, and would this person have a job if the school no longer wants the services. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said, no the person would not have a job at the end of the contract, <br />should ERA not want to renew the contract. He said the school has new construction, and he <br />anticipates ERA may want to increase the number of officers there. <br />Commissioner McKee said it is a question of equity, and SROs are being provided in <br />other schools. He said his concern is the safety of the children, regardless of where they attend <br />school. <br />Commissioner Greene said the Board previously discussed this, and asked if the Board <br />provides SROs for all of the charter schools in the County. <br />Commissioner Bedford said no, and asked if other charter schools have high schools. <br />Commissioner McKee said other schools have not requested a SRO, nor agreed to pay <br />for one. <br />Commissioner Bedford said the County provides SROs at the taxpayer’s expense, to all <br />schools in the Orange County School district. She said Orange County Schools pays the <br />County back for these positions. <br />Bonnie Hammersley said the schools pay for the SROs, and the Sheriff’s office is <br />reimbursed. <br />Commissioner Greene said she is not opposed to this position as the Sheriff is <br />responding to ERA with frequency already. She said there is a difference between a fully public <br />school and a charter school. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said he understands the distinction, and knows the BOCC is <br />concerned with the safety of all students in Orange County. <br />Commissioner Dorosin said there is a larger issue of SRO‘s in general. He said the <br />Board should have a broader conversation about having them in any schools, as studies <br />question SRO effectiveness. He said children in schools with SROs are more likely to be <br />arrested for non-serious, non-violent crimes; and videos show SRO misconduct. He said if <br />there are security concerns, the schools should address them with security officers that do not <br />have the authority to arrest, and he hopes for a broader conversation. He said if the BOCC <br />does continue to support the use of SROs, there should be memorandums of understanding