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28 <br /> <br />Commissioner Dorosin said he is not certain that the length of the application is the <br />problem, and it may be more related to the larger issue of engagement and outreach, <br />responsibility for which falls on the County. He said having a shorter application will not <br />necessarily increase the number of applicants. <br />Chair Rich said engagement and outreach are common concerns among several local <br />governments. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Bedford, seconded by Commissioner Price for <br />the Board to approving the proposed changes to the volunteer application for advisory boards <br />and commissions. <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />Chair Rich asked if the Board should hold the November 14 Work Session to review <br />applications submitted under the old format. <br />David Hunt said there are currently up to 10 boards and commissions awaiting <br />appointments. <br />Commissioner Price said this was discussed in the subcommittee, and since applicants <br />have already completed an application, it was deemed these applicants should not have to do it <br />again. She said the towns are ready to fill vacancies, and a delay seems inappropriate at this <br />time. <br />David Hunt said the Clerk’s Office will adapt the reporting system and modify the <br />database with the new questions, and will try to systematically ask current applicants to submit <br />the responses to these new questions. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said what will help this process the most is the Board taking <br />the time to have a fuller discussion. He said updating the application is useful, but the <br />increased dialogue is most important. He supported moving ahead with appointments on the <br />14th. <br />Commissioner Dorosin said changing the application, and having fuller conversations at <br />work sessions, were two separate tasks. He said the Board can make the appointments using <br />the existing applications and having the discussion, and if it goes well, the Board can continue <br />this new process going forward. He said he supports moving forward on the 14th. <br />Chair Rich said the Board will go ahead with the November 14th Work Session. She <br />asked if staff should contact the applicants being considered, in order for them to answer the <br />new application questions. <br />Commissioner McKee said no, the Board should just continue. <br />The Board agreed by consensus. <br />Chair Rich acknowledged that Riley Ruske had signed up to speak on this item, but had <br />left the meeting. <br /> <br />d. Creation of a 1.0 FTE Deputy Sheriff I (School Resource Officer) Position in the <br />Orange County Sheriff’s Office for Assignment to Eno River Academy, and <br />Approval of Budget Amendment #2-A <br />The Board considered voting to approve the creation of a 1.0 FTE Deputy Sheriff I <br />(School Resource Officer) position in the Orange County Sheriff’s Office for assignment to Eno <br />River Academy, and approval of Budget Amendment #2-A for the acceptance of offsetting <br />revenues from Eno River Academy to cover the full costs of the position. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND: At its July 12, 2018 meeting, the Eno River Academy Board of Directors <br />voted unanimously to move forward with discussions with the Orange County Sheriff to place a