Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he is impressed with what has happened since the light <br />rail was discontinued, and the County has not missed a beat. He said it would be a good idea <br />to publicize this progress. <br />Travis Myren said staff has a one-page info-graphic that can be published for the public. <br />Commissioner Dorosin agreed, and said there is still a transit plan in place, which is <br />moving forward. <br />Chair Rich asked if this information is on the County’s website. <br />Travis Myren said GoTriangle has the report on its website. <br />Commissioner McKee said not to forget that getting to this point wasted millions, which <br />could have been spent on the current plan. He said it is vital not to forget this waste. <br /> <br />PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Riley Ruske said he is thankful for Commissioner McKee’s comments. He said he <br />understands the discussion, but does not understand the cost benefit to the residents. He said <br />Orange County has high taxes and fees, and threw away millions of dollars on the ill-fated light <br />rail system. He said there must be someone in charge, who is responsible to the taxpayers for <br />these expenditures. <br />Commissioner McKee asked for clarification on further light rail studies, as he is not <br />aware of any. <br />Travis Myren said a total of $14 million was allocated to the Chapel Hill north-south BRT, <br />and the Board added $8 million to its current obligation several months ago. <br />Commissioner McKee asked for clarification on what the County is receiving for the <br />$500,000 it is spending on consultant costs. He said he ran in 2010 based on the cost of <br />consultants. He said some consultants are invaluable, and asked if this $500,000 could be <br />broken down into the benefits received. <br />Travis Myren said $500,000 is the placeholder in the transit plan for potential consultant <br />services. He said the current scope is more limited, so it should cost less. He said the Board <br />will have a chance to approve the contract at a later time. <br />Commissioner Bedford referred to slide 16, item #4, and asked if the working staff is also <br />the MPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). <br />Travis Myren said this is different than the MPO Technical Advisory Committee. He said <br />the staff working group was created to make recommend changes to the transit plan, which is <br />related to the TAC, but not the same. <br />Commissioner Bedford asked if the towns’ planners were involved. <br />Travis Myren said the towns have representatives, and the by-laws contained a voting <br />rubric, which had the voting members as Orange County, Go Triangle, and the DCHC-MPO. <br />He said inclusion of the towns needs to be revisited, as some may be interested in being voting <br />members. <br />Commissioner Bedford asked if this will be reviewed, as a part of this plan, and the <br />towns could possibly be included. <br />Travis Myren said all towns participate in the dialogue, and there have been no major <br />votes as yet.