Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> <br /> Reporting on public preferences regarding transit services and future investments, <br /> Creating performance measurement criteria that can explain how different existing <br />and planned services meet community goals and preferences, <br /> Creating a Regional Connections Opportunities assessment that examines: <br />o NCDOT studies and projects underway that could be modified to include a transit <br />component <br />o Remnant sections of the Durham-Orange Light Rail alignment that might still be <br />used as high-capacity transit corridors <br />o Travel market needs that link Orange County with Durham County’s resident and <br />business needs to build, expand, and support cross-county line transit networks. <br />The Plan should also examine emerging transit needs and opportunities that <br />cross into Alamance and Chatham counties, <br /> Proposing year-by-year implementation recommendations for transit investments <br />through 2040, <br /> Creating a risk assessment to identify potential implementation barriers for new transit <br />projects, <br /> Examining transit recommendations through a racial and social justice lens, establishing <br />agreed upon benchmarks through which to achieve equitable outcomes, <br /> Preparing a financially sound plan that considers the costs and benefits of debt financing <br />using a 20 year financial model, <br /> Preparing all necessary maps and exhibits, and <br /> Writing a succinct, user-friendly, easy to understand and meaningful - Final Report and <br />Documentation with an executive summary. <br /> <br />The Final Orange County Transit Plan would be approved by Orange County, GoTriangle, and <br />the DCHC MPO. <br /> <br />Travis Myren said the purpose of this item is to go from a policy perspective on the next <br />duration of the Orange County transit plan, which was necessitated by the discontinuation of the <br />light rail project. He said since this was originally proposed, the County has done numerous <br />things: it has increased the contribution level to the Chapel Hill north-south Bus Rapid Transit <br />(BRT); done a light rail study; negotiated GoTriangle Administrative costs; and is transitioning <br />small capital project responsibilities to County staff from GoTriangle. <br /> Travis Myren made the following PowerPoint presentation: <br />