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4 <br /> Commissioner Bedford said the Board should let the public know this <br /> accommodation is available. <br /> Chair Rich said the consensus seems to be to bring this topic back to a regular <br /> meeting with some proposed wording to manage expectations. <br /> John Roberts said he will put it on an agenda and allow for public comment, and will <br /> make the desired changes. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she was reminded that this issue was not only regarding a <br /> public work session, but also other types of meetings. <br /> Greg Wilder, Manager's Office, said there are different types of meetings: special <br /> sessions, meetings with other jurisdictions, budget work sessions, the retreat, legislative <br /> breakfasts, Assemblies of Governments (AOG), etc. He said the petition refers to all types <br /> of meetings. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said this practice should apply for all types of meetings, <br /> except regular meetings. He said there are plenty of regular meetings per month, and any <br /> other types of meetings are like work sessions. <br /> Commissioner Price suggesting adding a section on when public comment is <br /> allowed. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said there needs to be a section describing what work <br /> sessions are and why. <br /> Commissioner Price said there is already a section, but it is not as descriptive as <br /> what is being discussed tonight. She agrees with Commissioner Dorosin, but also wonders <br /> if the Board should spell out public comment in each type of meeting. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said it is important to define a work session specifically. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she likes Commissioner Dorosin's suggestion of putting <br /> something at the top of the agenda stating that it is not an opportunity for public comment. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin suggested the following language: "Work Sessions are <br /> designed to xxx", and address no public comment. He said if it is spelled out, people will <br /> better understand. He said boilerplate language can be used, and just change the date to <br /> indicate the next opportunity for public comment. <br /> Chair Rich asked if the same information should be listed for all meetings, e.g.: AOG <br /> meetings. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said there should be two categories: regular meetings and <br /> work sessions (with all other meetings being work sessions). <br /> Greg Wilder said the statement that the Board does not make decisions at work <br /> sessions is not totally correct, as the Board occasionally votes. He said John Roberts will <br /> need to figure out the best way to word this. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the AOG is not a voting situation; it is just a type of <br /> agreement. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said the Rules of Order state that votes are possible at joint <br /> meetings. <br /> Greg Wilder said he has seen motions made, seconded, and voted on at AOG <br /> meetings. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said a vote can be taken at any meeting that has a quorum, <br /> and not have to bring it back. She said even at budget time, the vote is not concrete until it <br /> is a final vote when the budget is approved. <br /> Chair Rich said John Roberts will come up with language, and the Board will discuss <br /> it at a regular meeting. <br /> 2. Discussion of County Commissioners' Terms on Advisory Boards and <br /> Commissions <br />