Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1. Orange County Proposed 2019-20 Budget Amendment <br /> The 2019-20 Orange County Budget Ordinance is amended as follows: 5 <br /> 2.Housing Departmen <br /> receipt l- <br /> of additional <br /> $737,954 in HUD <br /> Department of Social ce for use toward <br /> Services-receipt of an 1.Health Department- the Section 8 Housing <br /> Encumbrance Budget as Amended Emergency Solutions Budget as Amended receipt of additional Chace voucher Budget as Amended <br /> Original Budget Budget as Amended Grant of$4o,000 and donations for the Family Program,receipt of <br /> Carry Forwards Through BOA#3 the reallocation of Through BOA#3-A Success Nliance $80,000 in grant <br /> funds Through BOA#4 <br /> Mental Health MOE program from the NC Housing <br /> funds Finance Agency and <br /> $40,000 as a County <br /> match to be used <br /> toward the Ument <br /> Grant Project Fund <br /> Revenues <br /> Intergovernmental $ 144,765 $ 144,765 $ 473,821 $ 40,000 $ 513,821 $ 513,821 <br /> Charges for Services $ 65,000 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 $ 65,000 <br /> Transfer from General Fund $ 57,043 $ 57,043 $ 57,043 $ 57,043 $ 57,043 <br /> Miscellaneous $ $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 <br /> Transfer from Other Funds $ $ $ $ <br /> Appropriated Fund Balance $ 4,421 $ - $ 4,421 $ 4,421 $ 4,421 $ 4,421 <br /> Total Revenues $ 271,229 $ - $ 271,229 $ 640,285 $ 40,000 $ 680,285 $ - $ - $ 680,285 <br /> Expenditures <br /> Electric Vehicle Charging Stations $ $ 147,247 $ 147,247 $ 147,247 <br /> Support services $ - $ - $ - $ 147,247 $ - $ 147,247 $ - $ - $ 147,247 <br /> Pelco Foundation Grant-Animal Services S $ $ 40,000 $ 40,000 S 40,000 <br /> Community Services $ - $ - $ - $ 40,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ - $ - $ 40,000 <br /> Senior Citizen Health Promotion(Wellness) S 141,464 $ - $ 141,464 $ 141,464 $ 141,464 S 141,464 <br /> Emergency Solutions Grant-DSS(Multi-Yr) $ $ $ 40,000 $ 40,000 S 40,000 <br /> United Way-FSA-Health(Multi-Yr) $ $ $ 31,809 $ 31,809 S 31,809 <br /> Outreach Literacy Time to Read-Library $ 94,765 $ 94,765 $ 94,765 $ 94,765 S 94,765 <br /> Human services $ 236,229 $ - $ 236,229 $ 268,038 $ 40,000 $ 308,038 $ - $ - $ 308,038 <br /> EM Performance Grant $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 S 35,000 <br /> Local Reentry Council Grant-CJRD $ $ 150,000 $ 150,000 S 150,000 <br /> Public Safe $ 35,000 $ - $ 35,000 $ 185,000 $ - $ 185,000 $ - $ - $ 185,000 <br /> Total Expenditures $ 271,229 $ - $ 271,229 1$ 640,285 $ 40,000 $ 680,285 $ - $ - $ 680,285 <br /> 2 <br />