Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> RES-2019-073 Attachment 1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A REVISION IN THE RESOLUTION <br /> ADOPTED MAY 19 2018 WHICH AUTHORIZED THE ORANGE COUNTY <br /> FY 2018-2019 HOME PROGRAM DESIGN <br /> BE IT RESOLVED, by the Orange County Board of Commissioners as a member of the Orange <br /> County HOME Consortium approves the revision in the Resolution adopted May 1, 2018 so that <br /> there is an addition of a new Acquisition project activity and a revision in the first <br /> Homeownership Assistance project activity so that both read as follows in their entirety: <br /> Acquisition <br /> Funds will be allocated to the Community Home Trust for the acquisition of one (1) single- <br /> family property for sale to a household earning 80% or less AMI. <br /> (Requested amount: $1 S,000) $15,000 <br /> Homeownership Assistance <br /> Funds will be allocated to the Community Housing Trust to provide homebuyer financial <br /> assistance for one (1)household in the Northside and Pine Knolls Neighborhood of Chapel Hill <br /> earning 80% or less AMI. <br /> (Requested amount: $60,000) $45,000 <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Manager is hereby designated as the authorized <br /> representative of the County to act in connection with the submission of this plan and to provide <br /> such additional information as may be required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban <br /> Development. <br /> This is the 2nd day of December, 2019. <br /> Penny Rich, Chair <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> SEAL <br />