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8 <br /> 1 November 2018, with every member jurisdiction participating in the consultant's and MPO's <br /> 2 public process. A copy of the full report is available online at The <br /> 3 final recommendations serve to identify projects for consideration in the future Strategic <br /> 4 Prioritization of Transportation (SPOT) processes. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 The NC-54 west corridor covers multiple local jurisdictions and regional transportation planning <br /> 7 agencies. A breakdown of each jurisdiction and agency is provided below and in Attachment 1. <br /> 8 By local jurisdiction <br /> 9 o Graham 1.7 miles 8% (does not include ETJ) <br /> 10 o Swepsonville 1.2 miles 6% (does not include ETJ) <br /> 11 o Alamance County 7.3 miles 35% <br /> 12 o Orange County 8.6 miles 42% <br /> 13 o Carrboro 1.8 miles 9% (includes ETJ) <br /> 14 Total 20.6 miles 100% <br /> 15 <br /> 16 By MPO/RPO <br /> 17 o BG MPO 10.2 miles 50% <br /> 18 o TARPO 5.8 miles 28% <br /> 19 o DCHC MPO 4.6 miles 22% <br /> 20 Total 20.6 miles 100% <br /> 21 <br /> 22 The primary recommendation of the study is the widening of NC 54 from NC 119 in Alamance <br /> 23 County to Old Fayetteville Street in Carrboro to four lanes with a median and sidepath for <br /> 24 bicycle and pedestrian travel. The study also recommends installing several roundabouts along <br /> 25 the corridor to improve traffic flow and safety at major intersections. If the MPO Board were to <br /> 26 adopt the study, staff would then implement the recommendations by working with NCDOT to <br /> 27 develop a project for the widening of NC 54, which would include recommending local points for <br /> 28 such a project in SPOT. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 On November 1, 2018, the BOCC received a presentation on the NC 54 West Corridor Study <br /> 31 from Orange County Transportation Planning staff, which also included the Orange Unified <br /> 32 Transportation Board's (OUTBoard) comments. All comments were addressed at the November <br /> 33 14, 2018 DCHC MPO Public Hearing. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 On February 5, 2019, the BOCC approved NC 54 West as a County Priority for consideration in <br /> 36 DCHC MPO and Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization (TARPO) Strategic Prioritization of <br /> 37 Transportation (SPOT) process. An update on the corridor was provided to BOCC August 3, <br /> 38 2019. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 In February 2019, Carrboro - through the DCHC MPO - requested VHB review and confirm <br /> 41 Phase 1 conclusions through a phase 2 study to analyze trends and forecasts, transit <br /> 42 alternatives as mentioned in the final report, widening impact on local roads, and other <br /> 43 improvements not on NC 54. VHB will present the results of the Phase 2 analysis (Attachment <br /> 44 (2). The following is a highlight of the findings: <br /> 45 • Trends and forecasts were confirmed through StreetLight data. This is a subscription <br /> 46 based third party cellphone data collection company that assists in the analysis of trips. <br /> 47 • Adopted DCHC MPO Transportation Regional Model was deemed conservative in <br /> 48 comparison to StreetLight. <br /> 49 • It is a supplement to the original Final Report. All recommendations are carried forward, <br /> 50 including bike/ped and transit. <br />