Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> 1 Commissioner Bedford said that the Town of Chapel Hill and Chapel Hill Carrboro City <br /> 2 Schools (CHCCS) have an agreement with local pools to support Special Olympics and other <br /> 3 programs, so perhaps the County could look to them regarding the Swim for Charlie program. <br /> 4 Commissioner Bedford referred to the reported lack of diversity on the Climate Action <br /> 5 Committee, and asked if this was being addressed. She petitioned to reexamine the list of <br /> 6 appointments to add diversity to this committee. <br /> 7 Commissioner Marcoplos said a list of roster spots was sent out to the agencies and <br /> 8 governments across the County, who, in turn, made the appointments. He said there was <br /> 9 some diversity at the first meeting, and all entities are very concerned with diversity, and the <br /> 10 word has been put out there. <br /> 11 Chair Rich asked if Commissioner Bedford received the draft minutes from the last <br /> 12 meeting, and if Sherri Ingersoll could send them to Commissioner Bedford. <br /> 13 Commissioner Bedford said Governor Cooper gave an Executive Order in April <br /> 14 banning questions by state agencies on pay history. She petitioned to review Orange <br /> 15 County's HR practices and policy on this matter, and consider changes if those types of <br /> 16 questions are being asked. <br /> 17 Commissioner Bedford said she attended the recent Cardinal Innovations (CI) Board <br /> 18 meeting, and they are reorganizing as a five county Central Region Health Council, and there <br /> 19 will be a local Orange County community council. She said one must apply by November 24 <br /> 20 for a seat, if interested. She requested that the County administration promote this need, and <br /> 21 possibly ask Cl to extend the deadline for the local Orange County advisory council <br /> 22 application process, to encourage better participation. <br /> 23 Commissioner McKee said he would like to echo the comments to those who ran, and <br /> 24 congratulate those who won the election. <br /> 25 Commissioner Marcoplos said the commuter rail project study is to be completed by <br /> 26 the end of the year, and in January the committee expects to have some questions <br /> 27 answered, and the study will be able to shed some light on which configurations look best. <br /> 28 He said the Hillsborough extension might be in the first phase to go to Mebane, or possibly <br /> 29 towards Johnston County. He said he is on the GoTriangle negotiating committee with the <br /> 30 NC railroad, and one of its goals is to get early commitments on the division of <br /> 31 responsibilities, and the timetable for agreements. <br /> 32 Commissioner Marcoplos said he went to the Regional Transportation Alliance (RTA) <br /> 33 event on bus rapid transit. He said several groups discussed the challenges of this in various <br /> 34 regions, and shared information, which is available on the RTA website. He said RTA has a <br /> 35 map that shows bus transit across the State, and one of the maps was for NC 54. He said <br /> 36 the Board will need to look ahead to the primaries, and see how transit can be extended to <br /> 37 get voters to the polls. <br /> 38 Commissioner Marcoplos said he also attended the recent Solid Waste Advisory <br /> 39 Group (SWAG) meeting, where they discussed organic recycling options and a possible <br /> 40 textile-recycling program. <br /> 41 Commissioner Price thanked all who put together the Farm to School tour. She said it <br /> 42 was a great opportunity to allow children to understand agriculture and the environment. She <br /> 43 said she also attended a tour of the Chapel Hill High School renovations, which was very <br /> 44 exciting. She reminded everyone of the upcoming Veterans Day programs, including the <br /> 45 Saturday grappling tournament, and Monday's Veterans memorial program with David Price. <br /> 46 Commissioner Price congratulated all who ran and won elections. She said she spoke <br /> 47 with the Board of Elections, who will have a meeting on 12/5 to decide on the hours for <br /> 48 weekend voting for the 2020 primaries. <br /> 49 Commissioner Dorosin said he would like to follow up on his petition about universal <br /> 50 pre-K. He said the Board's colleagues in Durham are moving ahead with this program, and <br />