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30 <br /> 1 2019, and both the Sheriff and Eno River Academy would have the option at the beginning of <br /> 2 each future fiscal year to approve, amend or discontinue the associated Services Agreement <br /> 3 Contract. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 The SRO would maintain the same training and certification requirements as apply to all other <br /> 6 certified law enforcement officers in the Sheriff's Office and would be qualified to provide law <br /> 7 enforcement services in a manner consistent with customary law enforcement standards and <br /> 8 practices. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Lisa Bair, Executive Director of Eno River Academy (ERA), said the State charges a <br /> 11 school principal with the safety of the school, and she and her staff are concerned about the <br /> 12 safety issue. She said when one looks at the numbers and response time, versus the time it <br /> 13 takes for an event to happen, most of the destruction would be done before there is a response. <br /> 14 She said a School Resource Officer (SRO) can help the school with that opportunity. She said <br /> 15 a SRO is also a motivator or advocate for the students, because they are trained. She said <br /> 16 when one considers social equity, all schools have the right to safety. She said her school will <br /> 17 put up 100% of the funds if the County will approve the position. <br /> 18 Mike O'Malley, Vice Chair ERA Board of Directors, said school safety is not taken lightly, <br /> 19 and ERA is willing to work collaboratively with the Sheriff's Department to keep all kids safe. <br /> 20 Amy Simonson, ERA Community At-Large Board member, said it is important to <br /> 21 connect the community and the school in positive ways. She said SROs are a fundamental <br /> 22 member of the community, and having one at ERA is highly supported by the school. She said <br /> 23 ERA has agreed to pay for the SRO, including benefits and transportation, and the position <br /> 24 would be at no cost to the County. She said this would provide prevention and interaction, and <br /> 25 ERA would like to see a statewide SRO program in place. <br /> 26 Sarah Yagnow said her son and daughter's safety is her#1 concern. She said this <br /> 27 position would be at no cost to the County, and would foster a culture of safety that the SRO is <br /> 28 trained to do. <br /> 29 Kristi Anspach, Eno River Academy Board Chair, said she is a lifelong resident of <br /> 30 Orange County and a product of local public schools. She said there was an incident at Efland <br /> 31 Cheeks while her son was there, which was very concerning, but private schools were not an <br /> 32 affordable option. She said ERA offered an alternative, and she has seen the school grow and <br /> 33 offer alternatives to many families. She said the ERA Board approved 100% funding for this <br /> 34 SRO position, and this is the type of precedent that the Board of County Commissioners should <br /> 35 want to set: valuing child safety, and being fiscally responsible. <br /> 36 Brad Tapper, ERA Board member, said he is an advocate for the SRO as safety is a top <br /> 37 concern, and is near and dear to his heart. He said earlier the BOCC spoke about safety <br /> 38 concerns and wanting rumble strips on the road, and now ERA is asking for the same thing: <br /> 39 safety at the school. He said ERA will fund this position completely, and is asking the BOCC to <br /> 40 put ERA students on a level playing field with everyone else. <br /> 41 Sheriff Blackwood said the County currently does not have an SRO at the school. He <br /> 42 said his department has been encouraged by the school to walk through the halls to identify <br /> 43 safety concerns. He said since 2017 there have been a total of 463 calls to the school involving <br /> 44 suspicious activity, response to alarms, locked keys in cars, minor crashes, etc. He said the <br /> 45 position would be fully funded by ERA, and would cost $70,069. He said the decision tonight is <br /> 46 not whether or not to assign an SRO to the school, as he plans to do this anyway. He said the <br /> 47 decision tonight is whether the Board will offer him an opportunity to get an FTE for him to <br /> 48 offset this SRO, which will be paid for by the school. He said he hopes the Board will concur <br /> 49 that leaving a school without an SRO is a bad decision, and he also hopes the Board would not <br /> 50 force him to diminish his services in other areas to fulfill this important need. <br />