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27 <br /> 1 Commissioner McKee said he does not question this at all, and he appreciates all the work <br /> 2 done by Commissioner Marcoplos. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 c. Application Modifications for Volunteer Advisory Boards and Commissions <br /> 5 The Board discussed modifications to the application for volunteer advisory boards and <br /> 6 commissions, consider approving a new application format, and consider holding or canceling <br /> 7 the November 14, 2019 regular work session. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 BACKGROUND: At the October 3, 2019 regular work session, the Board expressed an interest <br /> 10 in making advisory boards and commissions more inclusive and improving diversity, and it was <br /> 11 noted that the lengthy application may be negatively impacting public response. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 The Board discussed reducing the size and complexity of the application to two pages. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Proposed changes to streamline the current application are listed below: <br /> 16 1. Remove "Additional Questions" for Selected Boards <br /> 17 • ABC Board <br /> 18 • Durham Technical Community College Board of Trustees <br /> 19 • Orange County Board of Adjustment <br /> 20 • Orange County Equalization and Review Board <br /> 21 • Orange County Planning Board <br /> 22 • OWASA Board <br /> 23 2. Remove Township question (can be verified by staff by address) <br /> 24 3. Remove domicile in Orange County question (can be verified by address) <br /> 25 4. Remove "Place of employment" and "Job title" <br /> 26 5. Remove "Are you at least 18 years of age" <br /> 27 6. Remove references to fax numbers (old technology no longer used by applicants) <br /> 28 7. Remove categories of phones with a space for one phone number. <br /> 29 8. Remove "Ethics Guidelines" from application <br /> 30 9. Add "Age Range" <br /> 31 10. Add "How would your participation on this board contribute to the diversity of viewpoints?" <br /> 32 <br /> 33 An excerpt from the draft October 3Id minutes is included as Attachment 1 for reference. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 If and/or when the Board approves the new application, the following next steps will need to be <br /> 36 implemented to switch to the new application and process. (The actions below will likely take <br /> 37 several weeks to accomplish.) <br /> 38 • Information Technologies (IT) will need to format the layout of the online application. <br /> 39 • IT will need to modify the current database fields for the additional questions. <br /> 40 • IT will need to modify the coding for the report package presented to the BOCC for <br /> 41 appointments. <br /> 42 • The Clerk's Office will need to contact the applicants on the boards up for appointment <br /> 43 to get a response for the additional questions (approximately 2 — 10 applicants per <br /> 44 board). <br /> 45 <br /> 46 Additional BOCC decision: <br /> 47 Does the Board wish to move forward with the November 14 regular work session as a <br /> 48 trial run of the new appointment discussion process, using the current application (and <br /> 49 not the new one)? <br /> 50 <br />