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26 <br /> 1 Commissioner Dorosin referred to page 15, and thought the idea was the representation <br /> 2 from GoTriangle and the MPO would be achieved by the County and municipal appointments. <br /> 3 Chair Rich said that is correct. <br /> 4 Commissioner Bedford said the way it reads to her is that the towns would be included. <br /> 5 Commissioner McKee said he thinks it would be difficult to represent both GoTriangle <br /> 6 and a competing group at the same time. He said he would like to appoint people to this group <br /> 7 who are not currently holding any other transportation positions. <br /> 8 Commissioner Marcoplos asked Commissioner McKee if he has noticed competing <br /> 9 interests. <br /> 10 Commissioner McKee said not at all, but having different people can bring different <br /> 11 perspectives. <br /> 12 Commissioner Price said she is concerned that Commissioner Dorosin's <br /> 13 recommendation will not provide for any additional representation from the northern part of the <br /> 14 County, other than Hillsborough, and there will not be representation from the a rural part of <br /> 15 Orange County. <br /> 16 Commissioner Greene said the Board represents the entire County as at large <br /> 17 members. <br /> 18 Commissioner Price said understands that, but the interests are different in the northern <br /> 19 part of the county. <br /> 20 Commissioner Bedford said she would recommend Commissioner Greene and <br /> 21 Commissioner Marcoplos, who have experience living in the more rural parts of the County, as <br /> 22 well as experience with Chapel Hill Transit. <br /> 23 Chair Rich said she thinks it is important for Commissioner Marcoplos to be on this <br /> 24 committee, as his focus and dedication is very well respected. <br /> 25 Commissioner Greene said she is happy to serve if called. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 A motion was made by Commissioner Bedford, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> 28 appoint Commissioner Marcoplos and Commissioner Greene to serve as co-chairs of the Policy <br /> 29 Steering Committee. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Commissioner Dorosin said it is important to be clear that the comment about the Board <br /> 34 spending $14 million on light rail is inaccurate. <br /> 35 Chair Rich said, additionally, the Board did not spend $100 million on light rail; but rather <br /> 36 spent 16% of$130 million. <br /> 37 Commissioner Dorosin said he takes objection to Commissioner McKee's comment that <br /> 38 this was a waste of money. He said Duke and the State killed the light rail project, and he <br /> 39 thinks it was a good investment and the project would have been an invaluable asset to the <br /> 40 County. <br /> 41 Commissioner McKee said he asked about the $14 million, because he knows that was <br /> 42 not spent. He said he respectfully disagrees with Commissioner Dorosin, and while there was <br /> 43 some benefit, most of the money was wasted. He said this is his opinion. <br /> 44 Commissioner Greene said the Board took a calculated risk, and it was a big idea and <br /> 45 had a chance of success until the very end. <br /> 46 Commissioner McKee said that is why this iteration must address the citizen's needs, <br /> 47 and must have citizen input. <br /> 48 Commissioner Marcoplos said he has spent a lot of time at GoTriangle Board meetings <br /> 49 advocating for Orange County to be a stronger participant in the triangle feature of the region, <br /> 50 with some success. <br />