Orange County NC Website
25 <br /> 1 Orange County has high taxes and fees, and threw away millions of dollars on the ill-fated light <br /> 2 rail system. He said there must be someone in charge, who is responsible to the taxpayers for <br /> 3 these expenditures. <br /> 4 Commissioner McKee asked for clarification on further light rail studies, as he is not <br /> 5 aware of any. <br /> 6 Travis Myren said a total of$14 million was allocated to the Chapel Hill north-south <br /> 7 BRT, and the Board added $8 million to its current obligation several months ago. <br /> 8 Commissioner McKee asked for clarification on what the County is receiving for the <br /> 9 $500,000 it is spending on consultant costs. He said he ran in 2010 based on the cost of <br /> 10 consultants. He said some consultants are invaluable, and asked if this $500,000 could be <br /> 11 broken down into the benefits received. <br /> 12 Travis Myren said $500,000 is the placeholder in the transit plan for potential consultant <br /> 13 services. He said the current scope is more limited, so it should cost less. He said the Board <br /> 14 will have a chance to approve the contract at a later time. <br /> 15 Commissioner Bedford referred to slide 16, item #4, and asked if the working staff is <br /> 16 also the MPO Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). <br /> 17 Travis Myren said this is different than the MPO Technical Advisory Committee. He said <br /> 18 the staff working group was created to make recommend changes to the transit plan, which is <br /> 19 related to the TAC, but not the same. <br /> 20 Commissioner Bedford asked if the towns' planners were involved. <br /> 21 Travis Myren said the towns have representatives, and the by-laws contained a voting <br /> 22 rubric, which had the voting members as Orange County, Go Triangle, and the DCHC-MPO. <br /> 23 He said inclusion of the towns needs to be revisited, as some may be interested in being voting <br /> 24 members. <br /> 25 Commissioner Bedford asked if this will be reviewed, as a part of this plan, and the <br /> 26 towns could possibly be included. <br /> 27 Travis Myren said all towns participate in the dialogue, and there have been no major <br /> 28 votes as yet. <br /> 29 Commissioner Bedford referred to page 2 of the abstract agenda, and said she liked <br /> 30 that there will be a 20-year finance horizon, depending on the recommendations. She said <br /> 31 there might also be other ways to ensure representation. <br /> 32 Chair Rich said there may end up being two members from Chapel Hill and Carrboro, <br /> 33 and only one from Hillsborough and Mebane, which could shift the weighting of the steering <br /> 34 committee. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 A motion was made by Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner Price for <br /> 37 the Board to: <br /> 38 1) Approve the planning framework for updating the Orange County Transit Plan; and <br /> 39 2) Authorize staff to proceed with implementing the planning framework and issuing <br /> 40 request for qualifications for consulting services as outlined in this abstract. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Commissioner Dorosin referred to recommendation #3, and proposed putting the Chair <br /> 45 on the Committee, as well as Commissioner Marcoplos, since he has been the Board's point <br /> 46 person on transportation. <br /> 47 Commissioner McKee said he would prefer the Board not consolidate its transportation <br /> 48 group representation to one or two people, and would rather see it spread across the Board. <br /> 49 He said this would allow different perspectives to be involved. <br />