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19 <br /> 1 is adopted, MPO staff would pursue funding to widen the road; but if the report is just received, <br /> 2 MPO staff can await further direction in March or April 2020. <br /> 3 Commissioner Dorosin clarified that decisions will be made in March or April 2020, as to <br /> 4 whether to pursue funding or not. <br /> 5 Aaron Cain said there is already funding for the intersection and safety improvements, <br /> 6 but the decision about widening would be made in the spring. He said funds are scheduled for <br /> 7 Right-of-Ways in the next budget year, with construction start in a few years. <br /> 8 Nishith Trivedi said this only relates to the section between Orange Grove Road and Old <br /> 9 Fayetteville Road. <br /> 10 Commissioner Price asked if the Burlington Graham MPO is involved. <br /> 11 Wannetta Mallette, Burlington Graham MPO (BGMPO), said Phase 1 of this plan was <br /> 12 presented a year ago. She said the BGMPO received the study, but did not take any action at <br /> 13 that time. She said there were a number of concerns about safety improvements from NC119 <br /> 14 to Hwy 54, and the BGMPO is interested in looking into ideas of surrounding MPOs. <br /> 15 Matt Day, Triangle Area Regional Planning Organization (TARPO), said TARPO's <br /> 16 decision schedule is a bit different that the MPO, with decisions being made in February. He <br /> 17 said widening NC 54 is on TARPO's draft list of projects to submit for funding. He said this <br /> 18 draft list is open for public comment now until January 16, 2020. <br /> 19 Commissioner Price asked if the Burlington Graham MPO needs to be included in item <br /> 20 #3. <br /> 21 Aaron Cain said it can be; the DCHC-MPO has no objection. <br /> 22 Commissioner Greene said she likes the idea of collaboration, instead of making <br /> 23 decisions now. She said to make sure rumble strips are in the plan for safety improvements. <br /> 24 Aaron Cain said yes, that would take place in the engineering phase. <br /> 25 Commissioner Bedford asked if the impending 1-40 improvements were incorporated <br /> 26 into this study. <br /> 27 Nishith Trivedi said yes, these improvements have been considered. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 30 <br /> 31 b. Approval of a Planning Framework for Updating the Orange County Transit Plan <br /> 32 The Board considered voting to approve a planning framework for updating the Orange <br /> 33 County Transit Plan and to appoint two Commissioners to serve as representatives to the Policy <br /> 34 Steering Committee. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 BACKGROUND: In 2012, the Board of Orange County Commissioners along with the Durham- <br /> 37 Chapel Hill Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization and GoTriangle adopted the Orange <br /> 38 County's first comprehensive Transit Plan. This Plan was funded using a newly adopted Article <br /> 39 43 Half-Cent Sales Tax, and it included investments in new and expanded bus service, new <br /> 40 capital infrastructure projects such as the Chapel Hill North-South Bus Rapid Transit Project, <br /> 41 the Hillsborough Train Station, and the Durham-Orange Light Rail Project. The Plan was most <br /> 42 recently updated in 2017 to meet federal requirements associated with the Durham-Orange <br /> 43 Light Rail Project. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 In March 2019, the Durham-Orange Light Rail Transit Project was discontinued. This project <br /> 46 was central to the Transit Plan. It was the Plan's primary investment, represented a critical <br /> 47 partnership between Durham and Orange counties, and served as the transit infrastructure <br /> 48 around which other transit services and growth strategies were planned. In response to the <br /> 49 discontinuation of the light rail project, a staff team began the process of creating a potential <br />