Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> Gaps added in 2019 <br /> Coordinated Entry staff <br /> • Staff to assist people accessing homeless services,being assessed for programs,and program referrals <br /> • 1.5 full time employees for direct service <br /> • 1 full time employee for administration and coordination of coordinated entry <br /> • Could be phased in over three years,one full time direct service staff in Year 1,adding half time direct service staff <br /> + half time administrative staff in Year 2,increasing administrative staff to full time to cover coordination duties in <br /> Year 3 <br /> FULL IMPLEMENTATION = PHASED IMPLEMENTATION <br /> GAP FULL ANNUAL COST YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 <br /> Coordinated Entry Staffing $161,051 $69,234 $129,701 $156,926 <br /> Further budget details on page 5 <br /> Medical respite beds <br /> • People without housing exiting hospital or detox who are unable to complete activities of daily living,therefore <br /> unable to stay at either IFC Community House or IFC HomeStart <br /> • 3 program beds in 4 bedroom apartment; live-in residential support paid monthly stipend plus contracted services <br /> for case management, medical management,occupational therapy <br /> • Program design for apartment does not lend itself to phase in;3%cost of living increase included for Years 2-3 <br /> FULL IMPLEMENTATION Am PHASED IMPLEMENTATION <br /> GAP FULL ANNUAL COST YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 <br /> Medical Respite Beds $217,180 $217,180 $223,695 $230,406 <br /> Further budget details on page 8 <br /> Memorial Service Funding <br /> • Many people with lived experience of homelessness have serious medical needs,and several people with ties to <br /> our system pass away each year.Community members would like to have funds available to provide a simple ser- <br /> vice and cremation. <br /> • $1000 for five people each year= $5000 <br /> • Could be phased in over three years <br /> FULL IMPLEMENTATION PHASED IMPLEMENTATION <br /> GAP FULL ANNUAL COST YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 <br /> Memorial Service Funding $5,000 $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 <br /> No further budget details <br /> 3 <br />