Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> Medical Respite <br /> HOURS/WEEK COST/MONTH COST/YEAR <br /> Case management 20 $30 $2,600 $31,200 <br /> RN 20 $45 $3,900 $46,800 <br /> MD consultant 5 $100 $2,167 $26,000 <br /> OT 10 $45 $1,950 $23,400 <br /> Residential support(stipend of$1200/month) $1,200 $14,400 <br /> SUPPLIES&OTHER COSTS PER MONTH PER UNIT <br /> Start-Up Costs (furniture,linens,washer/dryer, <br /> $15,000 one-time costs $15>000 <br /> apartment deposit.etc) <br /> Medical Supplies $500 $6,000 <br /> Client Transportation(15 rides per week for 3 45 $20 $900 $10,800 <br /> people) <br /> Food(3 meals per day for 4 people) 122 $7 $852 $10,220 <br /> Rent,4 BR apartment $1,500 $18,000 <br /> Utilities(water,trash,gas,electricity,internet) $700 $8,400 <br /> Renters insurance and other liability coverage $300 $3,600 <br /> Cleaning service 2x per month 2 140 $280 $3,360 <br /> TOTAL PROGRAM COST $217,180 <br /> Youth Host Homes Program <br /> CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ' TOTAL YEAR 1 YEAR 2 <br /> One-third cost of 2 FTEs-salaries and benefits (1/3 cost <br /> Personnel of$120,000 in Year 1 with 3%COLA added in Year 2 $42,436 $40,000 $41,200 <br /> and Year 3) <br /> Personnel Contracted therapist($500/client) $7,500 $2,500 $5,000 <br /> Host stipends($500/month x 18 host months in Year 1; <br /> Program costs $27,000 $9,000 $18,000 <br /> 36 host months in Year 2; 54 host months in Year 3) <br /> Program costs Client financial assistance($2700/client) $40,500 $13,500 $27,000 <br /> Subtotal $117,436 $65,000 $91,200 <br /> Admin 10%administrative overhead $11,744 $6,500 $9,120 <br /> TOTAL $129,180 $71,500 $100,320 <br /> 8 <br />