Agenda - 04-19-2001-1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-19-2001
Agenda - 04-19-2001-1
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9 <br />3. Initiate a joint effort between the County and Town governments to engage a <br />concerted and ongoing dialogue with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on <br />issues that affect affordable and accessible housing. Current estimates are that up to <br />15,000 students live in off-campus housing, a number equivalent to about a third of the <br />total number of county households. (Reference: Inventory/Needs Subcommittee <br />Report) <br />4. Adopt the revised Evaluation Criteria for the Housing Bond Program as proposed <br />in this report. Housing bond funds should be awarded as soon as a proposal is <br />approved. Housing proposals that score of 60 points indicate projects are well <br />structured and deserve funding. If funds are not available, funds should be raised for all <br />projects scoring above 60 points. (Reference: Finance Subcommittee Report) <br />5. Adopt affordable housing enabling zoning provisions including enhanced <br />accessory zoning and inclusionary development ordinances. When necessary, the <br />governments should aggressively encourage the_ state legislature to grant the authority <br />to enact these provisions. (Reference: Zoning Subcommittee Report) <br />6. Acquire land for eventual affordable housing development purposes. There is a <br />dwindling supply of appropriate available land for development in the County and the <br />County and towns should take the lead in acquiring land for future housing <br />development. (Reference: Finance Subcommittee Report) <br />7. Utilize equity sharing and other methods of limiting housing cost escalation to <br />make and keep housing affordable for future generations of low income households. <br />(Reference: Finance Subcommittee Report) <br />8. Challenge and encourage all non-profits and for-profit housing providers to <br />share resources and collaborate together on affordable housing projects. Further, <br />these groups should incorporate opportunities for in-kind donations and community <br />support into their programs. Involvement creates consensus. (Reference: Finance <br />Subcommittee Report) <br />9. Require all new residential and commercial developments in the County and <br />Towns seeking zoning approval and/or permits to contain at least 15% of affordable <br />units (for families at 80% or less of median income) in residential projects or a donation <br />of land for commercial developments. Further, these projects should be exempt from <br />associated prgject development fees. (Reference: Zoning Subcommittee Report) See <br />the attached memorandum regarding recent projects approved by the Council as an <br />example. <br />10. Declare the Year 2002 "The Year of Affordable Housing" and implement a public <br />education campaign defining affordable housing. (Reference: Education <br />Subcommittee Report) <br />
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