Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> Minor safety improvements that have been completed include the installation of fencing along <br /> the bridge over 1-40 and a reduction in the speed limit along the Orange Grove Road corridor <br /> from 45-MPH to 40-MPH. NCDOT, at the request of the County, has also studied the Oakdale <br /> Drive/Orange Grove Road intersection for congestion and safety improvements. In 2015, <br /> NCDOT conducted a test, placing temporary All-way stop signs at the intersection. As a result, <br /> it was determined that an All-way stop treatment was not viable for this location and a signalized <br /> intersection would be needed. Requests to consider the inclusion of sidewalks on the Cedar <br /> Ridge High School campus, as part of its classroom wing expansion project, were heard but <br /> unsuccessful due to funding limitations. <br /> Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle: On Monday, September 9, 2019, a pedestrian with an age-17 <br /> restricted driver's license, was struck by a motor vehicle on Orange Grove Road. The accident <br /> occurred at 2:13 pm at a location 160' toward 1-40 from Oakdale Drive, in the vicinity of the <br /> bridge over 1-40. The pedestrian is a student at Cedar Ridge High School and suffered a broken <br /> arm, while walking home from school, as a result of the accident. Subsequently, the School <br /> Principal issued a message strongly encouraging students to refrain from walking to and from <br /> school as there is not a safe area for them to do so (Attachment 1). <br /> County Budget and Next Steps: In response to the Planning Department's budget request and <br /> the County Manager's recommended budget (Attachment 2), the BOCC approved up to $50,000 <br /> for consulting services to complete a sidewalk study of Orange Grove and New Brady School <br /> Roads to help devise a strategy to mitigate pedestrian safety concerns. Since the budget was <br /> passed in June 2019, County staff has received additional information from Town of <br /> Hillsborough staff stating its inability to maintain sidewalks outside of its incorporated area <br /> based on State law. Planning staff received direction to develop a scope of services and <br /> initiate the consultant procurement process in September 2019. <br /> Over the course of the next few weeks, Orange County staff will be meeting with staff <br /> representatives from NCDOT, Orange County Schools, and the Town of Hillsborough to discuss <br /> the Orange Grove Road corridor and safety concerns to help inform the development of a <br /> Scope of Services for a consultant. County Transportation Planning staff is also coordinating <br /> with the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization to establish a <br /> financial and planning partnership for the study. <br /> At this time, staff anticipates that the study may include but not necessarily be limited to: <br /> • Study area along Orange Grove Road from Patriots Point Drive to New Grady Brown <br /> School Road intersection and along New Grady Brown School Road to capture the <br /> school properties <br /> • Data collection and analysis <br /> • Collection and summary of existing reports, studies, plans and recommendations <br /> • Short and long-term recommendations, including cross-sections, for on and off-road <br /> improvements to improve pedestrian safety <br /> • Cost estimates, feasibility, and recommendations for funding implementation <br /> • Public involvement at early stages and when a draft is available <br /> • Presentations to the Orange County BOCC and School Board <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): Staff recommends the OUTBoard receive the information and offer <br /> any suggestions on items to be addressed through a Scope of Work for consulting services. <br />