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11 <br />t Commissioner Jacobs said that a couple of the issues that came up with discussions with <br />2 Hillsborough was (1) limiting the floor area of big box retail, and (2) limiting or eliminating drive-in <br />3 windows for air quality reasons. Also, he asked Craig Benedict that clear-cutting be covered in the <br />4 ordinance. <br />5 Barry Katz asked if Craig Benedict could identify a 650-acre parcel in the County. Craig <br />6 Benedict said that 6.6 million square feet is a build-out scenario and would not come online in 10, <br />7 15, ar even 20 years. The new South Point Mall in Durham is about 1.2 million square feet. <br />s Barry Katz made reference to maintaining the character of Hillsborough and asked haw <br />9 that would be accomplished by putting development at this site. Craig Benedict said that by <br />t0 focusing traffic to this area instead of traveling through the center of Hillsborough, this would be <br />11 the appropriate place for development. <br />12 Public Comment <br />13 Scott Radway asked about the proposed EDD development chart that has the <br />14 designations which are O-OF (office and office flex), O-MDR (office and medium density <br />is residential), and the last one for mixed use. He asked if it is intended to adopt as ordinance the <br />15 categories with uses when this comes back to the County Commissioners. He asked where this <br />17 fits within the continuing work of the EDD task force between now and when the moratorium ends. <br />18 Craig Benedict said that these are categories that are not assigned to any of the <br />19 properties at this time. These categories have not been assigned to any properties. The focus of <br />20 the work on A-1 and A-2 will be in this area. <br />2t A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />22 accept the staff and public input into the public hearing record, and to refer item C1 b to the <br />23 Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the Board of County Commissioners no <br />24 sooner than January 1$, 2001. <br />25 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />26 <br />27 C. Zoning Of parcels near the intersection of I-85/NC86 to "Limited Office." These <br />zs parcels were shown as 3a and 3b on the June 6, 2000 moratoria map including <br />approximately 77 acres. These parcels can continue their present activity <br />3o pursuant to existing zoning codes if presently developed. If the site is <br />31 undeveloped or previously noted site is to be redeveloped, then the parcel would <br />32 be developed consistent with Limited Office district or request rezoning through a <br />33 special use rezoning and pernnit process. These parcels would also be removed <br />34 from the moratoria. <br />3s Barry Katz made reference to South Point Mall in Durham and the exit ramps on I-40 and <br />.i6 asked if there are any plans for I-40 or NC $5 to sustain a reasonable flow of trafFic to this <br />37 development and what plan they would need to augment this future development. <br />38 Craig Benedict said that it was agreed at the Commissioners' retreat that the EDD task <br />39 force would evolve into a task force with a transportation emphasis at the end of the land use <br />4o issues. The task farce would focus on the issues raised above by Barry Katz. The task force will <br />41 take a look at aver 40 intersections and come up with a priority package by late summer 2001 and <br />42 submit it to the MPO by fall 2001. <br />43 <br />44 Public Comment <br />45 Lawson Brawn, attorney from Alamance County, spoke representing Chandler Concrete <br />46 Company, which is located in area 3A. The Chandler Concrete site is a 5.8-acre tract of land <br />47 located between SR1710 and the railroad tracks. The easternmost two acres of this site are not <br />4s developed. Chandler Concrete Campariy has been in operation since 1973. He feels it is <br />49 important to note how this site is situated on Highway 10. The building was expanded to a two- <br />3o story building just a year ago. He asked that this site not be included in the EDD. If Mr. <br />S1 Chandler's property is included in this designation it will became a nonconforming use. He does <br />