Orange County NC Website
9 <br />RESOLUTION <br />OF THE <br />ORANGE COUNTY BORD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />TO APPROVE AN ORDINANCE <br />FOR A <br />ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT <br />Date: April 17, 2001 <br />Petitioner: Orange County <br />The Board of County Commissioners hereby approves a petition submitted by Orange County to amend <br />the Orange County Zoning Atlas by rezoning from GC-4 to ED-LO-1 property located in the northeast <br />quadrant of the intersection of NC 86 and Interstate 85 being further identified in the Orange County <br />Land Records Office as Hillsborough Township, Tax Map 40, Block A, Lots 9B and 9C and containing <br />5.34 acres more or less. The properties are identified by the following legal descriptions: <br />Tract 3b <br />BEGINNING at a paint, said paint being the northwest corner of TMBL 4.40.A.9B and falling in <br />line with the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Line of the Town of Hillsborough; thence, east following <br />the northern line of TMBL 4.40.A.9B approximately 670 feet to a paint, said paint being the <br />northeast corner of TMBL 4.40.A.9B and falling in the eastern line of TMBL 4.40.A.11 Q; <br />thence, south along the western line of TMBL 4.40.A.9B and the eastern line bath 4.40.A.11 Q <br />and 4.40.A.11G approximately 510 feet to a point, said point being the southeast corner of TMBL <br />4.40.A.9B and the southwest corner of 4.40.A.11 G and falling in line with the northern right of <br />way of Interstate 85 (I-85); thence, east along the right-of--way of I-$5 and the southern line of <br />TMBL 4.40.A.9B approximately 300 feet to a point, said point being the southwest corner of <br />TMBL 4.40.A.9C; thence east along the southern line of 4.40.A.9C approximately 180 feet to the <br />eastern property line of TMBL 4.40.A.9C; thence north along the western line of TMBL <br />4.40.A9C approximately 220 feet to the northeast corner of TMBL 4.40.A.9C; thence north <br />along the western property line of TMBL 4.40.A.9B approximately 200 feet to the northwestern <br />corner of TMBL 4.40.A.9B to the point and place of BEGINNING. (Said tract 3b containing <br />5.34 acres more or less) <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Orange County Commissioners that <br />this Zoning Atlas Amendment is effective upon approval. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner ,seconded by Commissioner ,the <br />foregoing resolution was adopted this the day of , 2001. <br />I, Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, North <br />Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the proceedings of said <br />Board at a meeting held on , 2001 as relates in any way to the adoption of the foregoing <br />and that said proceedings are recorded in Minute Book No. of the minutes of said Board. <br />WITNESS my hand and the seal of said County, this day of_ , 2001. <br />Clerk to the Board of Commissioners <br />