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2 as <br />dates, and provides necessary tools for implementation. Each of'these issues is discussed in <br />more detail below. <br />Protection from Enforcement Actions <br />This legislation provides relief to local governments who are in violation of a federal application <br />deadline due to no fault of'their own. The temporary rule adopted by the EMC gave cities <br />designated by the 2000 census until May 2004 (instead of March 2003 as directed by the federal <br />rule) to submit Phase II permit applications. The extended deadline expired when the rules were <br />not adopted by the Rules Review Commission, thereby creating a gap between the federally <br />mandated deadline and the deadline set by the state, This legislation addresses that gap by <br />validating all permit applications that were submitted incompliance with the federal deadline. <br />Standards for' Post-Construction Implementation and Flexibility <br />Local govemments will have their individual permit applications evaluated based on the <br />standards established in the temporary rule, The League advocated for using this standard for <br />two primary reasons. The temporary rule is the standard under which cities developed their <br />permit applications submitted to DENR, The temporary rule was also the basis for the Storm <br />2003 Phase II assistance package developed by the League, which many Phase II cities relied <br />upon to develop their permit applications, <br />Clarifications were made in the legislation to ensure that local govemments have maximum <br />flexibility to design their own post-construction practices, preventing the application of a one- <br />size-fits-all approach to all Phase II cities. A Phase II municipality may develop its own <br />comprehensive watershed plan, may use the model ordinance to be prepared by DENR, may <br />design its own post-construction practices based on DENR's guidance and engineering standards <br />for best management practices (BMPs), or it may incorporate the post-construction model <br />practices [the high density/low density approach] set out in the temporary rule to fulfill the <br />minimum requirements, <br />Exemption of Small Municipalities <br />The legislation exempts municipalities with a population of 1,000 or less unless DENR <br />demonstrates they are contributing to an impairment of state waters. Exempted municipalities <br />will be reconsidered based on the designation procedures, which will be tied to the river basin <br />planning process, DENR will pr°ovide more detail on the waiver procedure that will be supplied <br />to the relevant municipalities, <br />Reeulation in the Unincorporated Areas <br />Due to a loophole created by the federal rules, unincorporated areas were not automatically <br />subject to the stormwater requirements, This legislation addresses municipal concerns about <br />fairness inapplicability of the stormwater requirements and equity in economic development. <br />The revised legislation ensures that areas of urbanizing development will be covered by post- <br />