Agenda - 04-17-2001-9c
Board of County Commissioners
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Agenda - 04-17-2001
Agenda - 04-17-2001-9c
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Minutes - 04-17-2001
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
NS RES-2001-044 Resolution Adopting Recommendations of the EDD Task Force to Amend the Land Use Element of the OC Comprehensive Plan to Create the Hillsborugh Area Economic Development Activity Mode
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2001
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9 <br />1 historical and cultural resources. Of the five areas, Area 1 was the only area that was consistent with <br />2 all 11 criteria. There was an inconsistency related to agriculture and forestry. The Orange County <br />3 land records system indicates that lots 15, 16 and 17 and lot 8 are under use value taxation. Lots 15 <br />4 and 17 are taxed as forestland and lot 15 is taxed as agricultural land. The Planning staff <br />5 recommends approval of the proposed amendments for the reasons as outlined in the agenda <br />6 abstract. <br />7 Craig Benedict made reference to a map and identified each area and the uses <br />s that would be permitted in each area. He said that he is not saying that everything must conform to <br />9 the uses as listed. He is saying that the areas are only identified as a guidance for what would be <br />1o compatible with the land use. Transportation is one of the most important issues with any <br />11 development. , <br />12 <br />13 Questions from Coun Commissioners or members of the Oran a Coun Plannin Board <br />14 Commissioner Gordon asked about the essential differences between the uses <br />1s now and what is being proposed. Craig Benedict said that the orange area that is proposed is very <br />16 similar to the primary 1 area that was there before, except that a higher intensity of use is suggested <br />17 to also allow residential in that area. Previously, no residential was allowed in the area. The potential <br />18 density would be 8-12 units per acre. The northwest quadrant previously allowed retail, but in the <br />19 new plan there would not be any retail because the orange area would have retail potential. In the <br />20 southwest quadrant, the primary change is that there is some residential allowed in the short-term <br />21 prior to the provision of water and sewer. Under the previous plan, there was some limited <br />22 residential, but now even more residential will be allowed. The southeast quadrant is very similar to <br />23 what it was previously with an extra emphasis on office flex, meaning office-industrial. Areas 1 and 2 <br />24 were part of the 10-year transition that were intended for residential only and the new proposal is <br />2s suggesting that it be residential plus a limited office component. Area 2 is presently transition, zoned <br />26 R-3, and would remain the same but allow an office component. <br />27 Commissioner Gordon asked how the transition area would function in this plan. <br />2s She asked if it would be going from rural to urban. Craig Benedict said that these areas are outside <br />z9 of the Hillsborough ETJ, which is the definition of transition. This would have the potential of <br />3o annexation depending on Hillsborough's annexation rules. This proposal would make the transition <br />31 areas more similar to the adjacent Economic Development District areas. <br />32 Commissioner Brown asked some clarifying questions, which were answered <br />33 satisfactorily by Craig Benedict <br />34 Planning Board member Runyon Woods asked about sewer lines in that area. <br />3s Craig Benedict said that water and sewer lines are feasible through that area along Cates Creek. <br />36 Hillsborough does have the capacity to serve this area. It has been identified in Hillsborough's interim <br />37 master plan that water and sewer extension would occur in these areas. The only exemption is the <br />38 southwest quadrant, which could also be served. <br />39 Citizen comments were held until after the presentations. <br />40 <br />41 2. ORANGE COUNTY ZONING TEXT AMENDMENTS <br />42 a. Economic Development District Amendments for the Hillsborough Economic <br />43 District <br />44 b. Amend Section 7.21 Zoning Ordinance <br />4s c. Add new section 2.1A in Design Manual creating subdistricts with <br />46 Hillsborough EDD <br />47 Craig Benedict said that the changes to the Zoning Text Amendments would create <br />48 some sub-districts, which would be compatible with the Land Use Plan previously discussed. He <br />49 made reference to the map and said that a new zoning district known as Economic Development Flex <br />so has been created that would allow light industry. Another zoning district known as Linear Office was <br />sl also created. A zoning area known as Limited Office was also created. In the Buckhom EDD and the <br />
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