Orange County NC Website
36 <br />In the following table, COMPLIES means that the area being evaluated is <br />compatible with the locational criteria. DOES NOT COMPLY means that the area is <br />not compatible with the locational criteria. QUESTIONABLE means that <br />compatibility cannot be assessed completely from information currently available. <br />CRITERIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY NODE <br />LAN©' SLOPE CDMPLIES: The developed portion of the area is on a <br />Located in areas with slopes of less relatively level upland site. However, the northern <br />than 15°k geode, Where slopes of 1~= portion of the area (about 20% of the total areal is <br />ar greater are present, proteaiom can. characterized by slopes in excess of 15%.. <br />be pravid~d through proper site ~leeigrr. <br />and constriction, raciiices. <br />HYDRgLDGY COMPLIES: There are no 100-year flood prone areas ar <br />Located outside of areas where 1Qtl- wetlands identified in the area. There is an intermittent <br />year flood prone areas and we0an~ls stream to the north and northeast of the area with <br />are present Wltera flbad prom areas stream valley slopes exceeding 15°~. <br />and wetlands exist, proteptka~, be:~ <br />pranrided through pry site o"eeig~l <br />and~`c~rristruatic~ri prate <br />FLORA AND FAUNA COMPLIES: There are no identified sites of unique ar <br />Located in areas where detrintentat~ : ;.; endangered species in this area. The closest site in the <br />devefoprherrt in~tpacts vn ICI', State'I~ Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats is <br />f~l~-ackrtc~wledg ut~itlcte. ar approximately 0.75 mile to the north-northeast -site <br />endenr~d species, .and wiidiife ~ E08, an the south side of the Eno River west of <br />hatii~ts and cai~ora dais be~ m~iga Lawrence Road. <br />Onra~gh°proper site design ar~ct ' <br />consttuctic~n practices. <br />S411w-CCENDI'l14)NS COMPLIES: Soils are predominately Georgeville with <br />Located-in areas vu~n8ra genera15oi1 I , Tatum to the north. Georgeville sails are described as <br />conditions are suitabf~ for ~tp~ gently sloping and sloping well-drained soils that have a <br />because etl`g~od drainer ° ' surface layer of silt loam and a subsoil of clay loam, silty <br />characteristics ainc!" iaad~bearin~ clay, silty clay loam, and clay; found on uplands. These <br />capacity for development. ~' soils are generally conducive to development posing <br />a r slight to moderate building constraints. Tatum soils are <br />,~ well drained, moderately permeable sons that pose <br /> moderate to severe building constraints due to slope <br /> which ranges from 8 to 25%. <br />PUBLIC SER.~ttCESt UTtUTIES' COMPLIES: The area is served by water and sewer <br />Located gerteliy in areas vufl~ areur' lines from the Town of Hillsborough. <br />could tie rtriy and e~cti~y <br />served by p services and fa~fities <br />areas.wheresuch <br />When's <br />K <br />sera~an ~ ar~~Frai!'present <br />or pianr~ecl,; gerte~! Bait concfitiorts <br />must be suitat~e for ar~~aitse shwa <br />disposal. tams. <br />TRANSPORTATiQN SYSTEIIIEE COMPLIES: The southern portion of the site is <br />Located in areas actjacert~l~" irrterstate adjacent to Interstate 85 and the western side fronts on <br />arid major arterial highrn~ys, NC 86. US 70 Business lies 0.4 mile to the north and the <br />particu~riy those with tine ptater far ' Nortolk and Southern railroad is 0,45 mile west. <br />providing ~ to put~ic trans <br />facilities: <br />h:\complan\eddplanamendmentCP-2-01.doc\2-1-01\gb <br />