Orange County NC Website
33 <br />PUBLIC SERVICES! UTILITIES COMPLIES: Water and sewer lines from the Town of <br />Located generally in areas which are or Willsborough currently exist in, or close to the area. A 12 <br />could be reasonably and effectively inch water line extends southward along NC 8G to serve <br />served by public ervices and facilities. Stanback and New Wope schools. There is also a six <br />When located in areas where such inch water line that runs eastward along Old NC 10 to <br />services and facilities are not present the Strayhorn Wills subdivision. A gravity outfall line <br />or planned, general soil conditions along Cates Creek provides sewer service to the <br />must be suitable for on-site sewage Wildwood area and a force main that ties into it provides <br />disposal systems. service to the schools. Future sewer service to the EDD <br /> would likely be via a force main extension from the <br /> Cates Creek outfall. <br />TRANSPORT~ITION SYSTEM COMPLIES: The northern portion of the site is <br />Located in areas adjacent to interstate adjacent to Interstate 85 and the western and southern <br />and major arterial highways, portions front on NC 86 and Old NC 10, respectively. <br />particularly those with the potential for The Norfolk and Southern railroad forms the southern <br />providing access to public transit boundary of the area. <br />facilities. <br />ENERGY USE COMPLIES: Commuting times are within the 10 minute <br />Located~within:lQ minutes commuting time frame. <br />time from arw urban area and designed <br />so tha# business uses provided within <br />devefopinents limit tiie number of short <br />distance commutes far goods and <br />SBNICeS. <br />E%1STtNG LAND USE COMPLIES: The site is located in an existing Ten-Year <br />Locates! in designated Ten ar Twenty- Transition Area. <br />Year Transition Areas. <br />AGRICULTURE AN© FORESTRY COMPLIES: There are no active agricultural uses or <br />Located away from. areas where managed forestland in the area. <br />development would have a detrimental <br />impact upon productive agricultural <br />uses and managed forest land; and/or <br />where the existing landscape character <br />can be rnaintaineri through proper site <br />design and construction practices. <br />POPULATION DENSITY COMPLIES: The surrounding area is characterized by <br />Locateelirr areas with, or planned for, moderate population densities. Wildwood subdivision to <br />moderate to huh population densities. the southwest contains lots of one-quarter acre in size <br /> and Joppa Oaks to the south has lots averaging around <br />- one-hall acre. The six existing residential lots in the <br /> <br />„ amendment area average 1.5 acres in size. <br />HISTORIC _ <br />4~Ila TLIRA`~. <br />' COMPLIES: No identified historic or cultural sites exist <br />Located in <br />~tr~here detrimental <br />`` in this area. <br />dev <br />vn kcal, State or <br />federal boric, <br />culture[ and/or, ~chaeological sites, or <br />County-designated Public Interest <br />Areas does not exist or sin be <br />mitigated through proper site design <br />and construction pry. <br />h:\complan\eddplanamendmentCP-2-01. doc\2-1-01 \gb <br />