Orange County NC Website
z3 <br />CRITERIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY NODE <br />LAND SLOPE COMPLIES: Some slopes in the 10-15°~ range are <br />Located in areas with slopes of less found along the northwest boundary of the site, along <br />than 15% grade: Where slopes of 15% Cates Creek and a tributary. However, site development <br />or greater are present, protection can and the extension of public water and sewer should not <br />be provided through proper site design be adversely affected, as this part of the site would likely <br />and construction practices. be undeveloped. <br />HYDROLOGY COMPLIES: Areas of 100-year floodplain occur along <br />Located outside of areas where 100- the banks of Cates Creek on the site's northwest <br />year flood prone areas and wetlands boundary. However, these areas are not likely to be used <br />are present. Where flood prone areas for development purposes and would normally remain <br />and wetlands exist, protection can be an undeveloped portion of the site. <br />provided through proper site design <br />and construction practices. <br />FLORA AND FAUNA COMPLIES: There are na identified sites of unique or <br />Located in areas where detrimental endangered species in this area. The closest site in the <br />development impacts on local, State ar Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats is 0.25 <br />federally-acknvw~dged unique or mile to the southwest -site E07, on the west side of Old <br />endangered species, and wildlife 86 at the crossing of Cates Creek. Bottomland hardwood <br />habitats and corridor cats 6e mitigated forest is identified within the site, along the 100-year <br />through proper site design and floodplain of Cates Creek. <br />construction practices. <br />SOIL CONDITIONS COMPLIES: Practically all of the site contains Herndon <br />Located in areas where general soil Silt Loam soils, which are generally conducive to <br />conditions are uitabk: 'for development development and have slight to moderate constraints for <br />because of good drainage construction. The HrC class soils on approximately half <br />characteristicsandload-bearing of the site have slopes on the order of 6-10% associated <br />capacity far development with them. However, this should not pose undue <br /> problems for site development. A very small portion of <br /> the site contains Tatum silt looms which have slopes of <br /> 8-15%. <br />PUBLIC SERVICES/ UTILITIES COMPLIES: The site could be provided water and <br />Located generally in areas which are or sewer service via extension of lines from the Town of <br />could be reasonably and ef[ectively Hillsborough. The extension of sewer would involve <br />served by public services and faciHtieso expansion of a gravity outfall line along Cates Creek. <br />When Iocated~a~.area~:wli+, such Water service would likely be provided via linkage to <br />services srld f~ilities area notpresent one of two existing 12-inch lines that exist at the Olde <br />or planned; general soil conditions Mill Business Park across Cates Creek to the northwest, <br />must be suitapk for an-site sewage or from Wildwood subdivision to the northeast. <br />disposal systems::..., <br />TRANSPOI~Ti4~,S~~EfY1 COMPLIES: The site is located in close proximity to <br />Located in~ ~Ita~te. Interstates 85 and 40 and two major thoroughfares, Old <br />and major' NC 86 and NC 86. The site has access to Old NC 86, and <br />pargcularlyl ~l for access to NC 86 may be possible via adjacent roads in <br />providing ,~ti~if Stagecoach Run to the east. The Norfolk and Southern <br />facil'fies. ~ railroad is located less than 0.5 mile to the northeast. <br />ENERGY USE' COMPLIES: Commuting times are within the 10 minute <br />Located within 117 minutes commuting time frame. <br />time from an urban area and designed <br />so that business uses provided within <br />developments limit the number of short <br />distance commutes for goods and <br />SeNICeS. <br />h:\complan\eddplanamendmentCP-1-O1.doc\2-1-01\gb 10 <br />