Orange County NC Website
19 <br />PUBLIC SERVICESI UTILITIES COMPLIES: Water and sewer lines from the Town of <br />Located generally in areas which are or Hillsborough currently exist in, or close to the area. A 12 i <br />could be reasonabty and effectively inch water line extends southward along NC 8fi to serve <br />served lay public services and facilities. Stanback and New Hope schools. A gravity outfall line <br />When located in areas where such along Cates Creek provides sewer service to the <br />services and facilities are not present Wildwood area and a force main that ties into it provides <br />or planned, general soil conditions service to the schools. Future sewer service to the EDD <br />must be suitable for on-site sewage would likety be via a force main extension from the <br />dis osal s stems. Cates Creek outfall. <br />TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM COMPLIES: The site is located in close proximity to <br />Located in areas adjacent to interstate Interstates 85 and 40 and two major thoroughfares, Old <br />and major arterial highways, NC 86 and NC 86. The site has frontage on NC 86 and <br />particularly those with the potential for future access to Old NC 86 may be possible via <br />providing acxess to public transit connector roads through the EDD. The Nortolk and <br />facilities. Southern railroad is located approximatety 0.7mile to the <br /> northeast. <br />ENERGY USE: COMPLIES: Commuting times are within the 10 minute <br />Located within 1Q minutes commuting time frame. <br />time from art urban area and designed <br />so that business uses provided within <br />devektpmen~ limit the number of short <br />distance commutes for goods and <br />services. <br />EXlST1NG LAN© LISE COMPLIES: The site is bordered by Transition area to <br />Located in designated Ten ar Twenty- the north and west and a concurrent plan amendment <br />Year Tfansition areas. will place the area in Ten-Year Transition as well. <br />AGRICULTURE ANQ FORESTRY DOES NOT COMPLY: Land Records indicates that lots <br />Laca~ad away ~t:ar~s where <br />development ~ have a detriments! 15,1fi, and 17 on map 49, block B and lot 8 on map 50 <br /> <br />impact upon pmd'uctive agricultural are under forestry use value taxation. These lots which <br /> <br />uses and`~ged forest land <br />and/or are co uous account for a <br />~ pproximatety 70 acres of <br />, <br />where the existict .Ian <br />g dscape character the total 97.67 in the area. <br />can be maintained thnaugh proper site <br />desi n artcl construction racticx?s. <br />PQPU~.ATI©N DENSITY COMPLIES: The surrounding area contains substantial <br />Locan,areaswith, ar planned for, <br />moderate to high populatkm densities areas proposed for both non-residential and residential <br />. development. Proposed changes to the I-40/Old NC 86 <br /> EDD to the west allow mixed used development which <br /> can include residential uses on municipal water and <br /> sewer. Wildwood subdivision to the north contains lots <br />` of one~uarter acre in size, and Cornwallis Hills to the <br />, west of Old NC 86 has lots averaging around ane-hall <br />"~ acre. Lots in the Stagecoach Run subdivision to the <br />:~ ~'~ .. - north average 1.5 acres in size. <br />HISTORIG,A;I Ct~TfJRAL COMPLIES: No identified historic or cultural sites exist <br />Located in areas where detrimental <br />~n this area' <br />development impacts on kx~l, State or <br />federaAy-acknowledged h~boric, <br />cultural and/or arcPtaeobgical sites, or. <br />County-desiigna6®d Public Interest <br />Areas does not exist or can be <br />mitigated through proper site design <br />and construction ractices. <br />h:\complan\eddplanamendmentCP-1-01. doc\2-1-01 \gb <br />