Agenda 11-19-19 Item 12-2 - Information Item - Memorandum - Minutes - Intergovernmental Collaboration with Municipal Partners
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Agenda - 11-19-19 Business Meeting
Agenda 11-19-19 Item 12-2 - Information Item - Memorandum - Minutes - Intergovernmental Collaboration with Municipal Partners
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11/14/2019 12:28:30 PM
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11/14/2019 12:29:08 PM
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35 <br /> Greene Tract, Resolutions, MOUs, Documents, What does Partnership look like for the town? <br /> Ms. Rich provided context for this discussion topic, noting the County Commissioners are <br /> concerned about what the town thinks the partnership looks like. She asked the town to <br /> identify what partnership on the Greene Tract looks like to them, noting we met for two and a <br /> half years and we thought we were on the same page, and turns out we weren't. <br /> Ms. Hemminger responded from her perspective, elaborating we thought we were on a path <br /> together to do affordable housing on the Greene Tract, and we had certain steps in working <br /> through all the things that had happened in the Rogers Road community. Ms. Rich clarified that <br /> this wasn't about Rogers Road, but the question from the board is what does our partnership <br /> look like for the Greene Tract? <br /> Ms. Hemminger responded it's not separate for the town because we had to spend a lot of staff <br /> time working with steps for the zoning compliance and not gentrification. We stopped to do a <br /> market analysis because the community was telling us one thing and we wanted to see if that <br /> was viable. We brought a consultant in and did community meetings to tell us what could go <br /> on the Greene Tract. We agreed to move the headwater lines around to preserve the sensitive <br /> areas. We were on that path as well and we voted to move those lines, but we didn't have the <br /> same agreement about what the blobs meant after that because we've had other things come <br /> up with the schools and the community saying we didn't notify them and that we haven't done <br /> an environmental impact study to see if the blobs are the size they're supposed to be. We've <br /> been on this path that we want to work on this together, but we ended up not being on the <br /> same timeline because we had more work to do that had to be done by our staff with the <br /> community. <br /> Ms. Rich asked again for Chapel Hill to answer the question what does our partnership look <br /> like? What does the town of Chapel Hill partnership look like with Orange County and <br /> Carrboro? What does our partnership look like because it doesn't feel like we are partners right <br /> now—that's what the board wants to know. Ms. Price said to not include her with the board <br /> and asked Ms. Rich to indicate if she was representing herself or the board. Ms. Rich responded <br /> she was not representing herself, she was representing a majority of the board who wants to <br /> know what the partnership looks like. <br /> Ms. Hemminger indicated it's two things and the town wears two hats. One hat is as joint <br /> owners of the land, which includes the fact that we want to offer affordable housing there <br /> together with our partners. We are also regulators of the land and we have to wear another <br /> hat at times where we want community input and certain standards met before we can move <br /> forward with partners on the site. Because of all of the things going on in our community, it is <br /> taking a longer time than what our developer partners want. <br /> Ms. Rich said the question is how do we move forward together, being honest with each other <br /> and understanding we are partners? We met for two and a half years, we discussed something, <br /> we bring it forward and it was killed. We don't understand what partnership looks like. <br /> Chapel Hill Work Group Minutes, October 2019, Page 8 <br />
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