Agenda 11-19-19 Item 12-2 - Information Item - Memorandum - Minutes - Intergovernmental Collaboration with Municipal Partners
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-19-19 Business Meeting
Agenda 11-19-19 Item 12-2 - Information Item - Memorandum - Minutes - Intergovernmental Collaboration with Municipal Partners
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Last modified
11/14/2019 12:28:30 PM
Creation date
11/14/2019 12:29:08 PM
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34 <br /> grow. Ms. Price described this as a culture of collaboration—working together to help <br /> companies find a good fit with the amenities they are looking for when they are thinking to <br /> relocate or expand. <br /> Ms. Hemminger noted not everyone might know how we work together to move quickly on <br /> economic development opportunities. When an opportunity arises, manager, chair, economic <br /> development directors and the mayor meet to see if there is a consensus on a path forward and <br /> then we take it to our boards. She suggested making the joint statement the town and county <br /> are working together on economic development and we support start-ups coming to all Orange <br /> County. We are all working together to keep those and attract new ones. Ms. Price said when <br /> they do come here, she would like to make it public and celebrate the collaboration between <br /> town and county. <br /> Ms. Hemminger asked if the thinking is the property will be sold by the end of the year. Mr. <br /> Myren shared that a letter of intent hasn't been negotiated yet. Ms. Hemminger requested <br /> notification as early as possible for public hearings, noting the importance of being prepared. <br /> She shared the information the town is trying to get the parking deck voted on in November. <br /> Ms. Chotas asked for other items related to the topic area of economic development. <br /> Mr. Jones and Ms. Clark shared handouts of the town's new affordable housing dashboard <br /> data, noting long-term, the more we can look at affordable housing as partners, the better. <br /> We're all facing this issue of new affordable housing—there needs to be more of a regional <br /> approach to it. <br /> Ms. Hemminger asked if there were similar stats the county could provide. Ms. Hammersley <br /> said the information will be shared with the new Housing Director who will also share the <br /> county's data. <br /> Ms. Hemminger reflected the affordable housing dashboard approach came out of the trip to <br /> Boulder where similar information was shared. We developed our own version and it was very <br /> helpful in setting the stage for the bond. The reality was we were always talking about <br /> affordable housing, but we had no clue where we were. We wanted to be able to quantify it, <br /> talk about it in the same terminology and make it so anyone could access the information. She <br /> expressed a hope for Carrboro, Hillsborough and the county to all have similar ways to share so <br /> we can see how we are all doing collectively. <br /> Ms. Clark noted at the most recent meeting with the Coalition and the Collaborative, both <br /> Carrboro and Orange County provided information in a similar format and it's being identified <br /> as a priority with the Collaborative itself so joint measures will be available to track what the <br /> Collaborative is doing county-wide. <br /> Ms. Hemminger asked if the topic of affordable housing with joint statistics could be on the <br /> agenda for the Assembly of Governments. Ms. Clark said the data could be packaged, if that's <br /> helpful. <br /> Chapel Hill Work Group Minutes, October 2019, Page 7 <br />
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