Agenda 11-19-19 Item 12-2 - Information Item - Memorandum - Minutes - Intergovernmental Collaboration with Municipal Partners
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-19-19 Business Meeting
Agenda 11-19-19 Item 12-2 - Information Item - Memorandum - Minutes - Intergovernmental Collaboration with Municipal Partners
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Last modified
11/14/2019 12:28:30 PM
Creation date
11/14/2019 12:29:08 PM
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Agenda 11-19-19 Business Meeting
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32 <br /> Transit and Voting Structure <br /> Ms. Hemminger provided context for the transit agenda item based on her discussion with the <br /> mayors of Hillsborough and Carrboro. She noted she doesn't talk with the mayor of Mebane <br /> about transit issues. Currently, the structure is staff driven and there are only three voting <br /> members who make recommendations that go to the Orange County Commissioners for <br /> decisions. The three voting members are Orange County Planning, the MPO and GoTriangle. <br /> She informed the Work Group the three mayors will be making a request for towns to have <br /> representation as votes for recommendations are made. <br /> Ms. Hammersley noted this was brought up when she was first brought in as County Manager <br /> and at that time the county wasn't interested. She said she didn't know if they were interested <br /> now, but they are familiar with it. What she was told was towns were represented through the <br /> NPO. It will be up to the Orange County board if they want to give voting rights away to the <br /> towns. Ms. Rich added this is something we would have to bring to the board. Ms. Hammersley <br /> shared the mayors can make a formal request. Ms. Price added she thought Wake County has <br /> moved in that direction, with weighted votes reflecting the size of the towns. Ms. Hemminger <br /> concluded she would write the letter to the board and the other mayors have asked to be <br /> included. <br /> 2020 Census <br /> Ms. Hemminger opened the conversation by stating she is delighted to work on this project <br /> together and it is hugely important to count the numbers. The next steps are to figure out what <br /> the towns and counties are doing together to make it happen which will require resources. <br /> Ms. Price, who is on the Census Committee, noted the critical thing is financial resources. The <br /> federal government and NC are not giving any assistance besides materials. Ms. Hemminger <br /> identified the need for a coordinated effort and messaging plan to be reaffirmed at the <br /> Assembly of Governments, which happens in January, and Census date is April 1. Ms. Rich asked <br /> if Chapel Hill has representation on this group. And Ms. Hemminger said they did. <br /> Ms. Rich asked when will the report from the committee be delivered? Ms. Price responded <br /> there hasn't been a request for a formal report. Ms. Rich said a formal report will be important <br /> for communicating and coordinating the committee's plans and next steps and identifying <br /> financial support needed. Mark Dorosin was involved during the last census in 2010 and there <br /> was a lot of coordination in the community. <br /> Ms. Hemminger requested a formal report before the Assembly of Governments meeting so it <br /> can be presented. Ms. Rich requested a timeline for the report to be delivered in December or <br /> Early January. <br /> Library Funding <br /> Ms. Hemminger reflected the Chapel Hill Library hasn't had an increase in funding for many <br /> years and there is a desire in the town to make a specific ask for the county budget cycle. She <br /> asked what the request should look like, should the town decide to make it. Ms. Hammersley <br /> Chapel Hill Work Group Minutes, October 2019, Page 5 <br />
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