Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Attachment ~ <br />Proposed Planning Projects Coordinator Position -Major Functions <br />General: Assist the Planning Director a) in Agenda, Board of Commissioners' goal and project <br />management through organization, coordination and implementation work and b) by developing <br />presentations to communicate planning information/analyses to Boards, Task Forces, and the public. <br />1. Board of Commissioners' Goals <br />• Develops and maintains an organization and tracking system for the Planning Director in <br />conjunction with the Planning staff that identifies all goals and projects, major milestones, <br />responsibility, timelines and status. <br />• Tracks progress on Commissioners' goals, including needed follow up activities. <br />• Provides staff support for various Task Forces in which the Planning Director participates. <br />2. Planning Projects <br />• Researches, compiles and analyzes data related to various studies and projects such as for <br />sustainability indicators, fiscal impact model and others. <br />• Drafts reports, agenda items and correspondence for the Planning Director. <br />• Monitors implementation of the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance including liaison with <br />schools and Towns, training, data collection and coordinating responses to questions. <br />3. Agenda DevelopmentlCoordina#ion/Follow Up <br />• Assists in the organization of regular and special agendas to assure appropriate scheduling, <br />coordination and follow through on agenda items. <br />• Administers the agenda development and production process for planning items for the <br />Planning Board and Board of County Commissioners to assure items are timely, consistent, <br />thorough and understandable. <br />• With the Planning Director, identifies follow up items from meetings and timelines. <br />4. Presentations <br />Organizes and develops visual presentations for Board of Commissioners, Planning Board <br />and other meetings that clearly convey information for the Board's consideration including <br />research, analysis, background and the like. In this, uses technology (Power Point <br />presentation graphics, GIS, spreadsheets and others as needed) to provide clear, concise, <br />viewer friendly presentations. <br />• Works with appropriate staff to develop maps for use in presentations that clearly illustrate the <br />needed and relevant planning information and are designed in a way that they can be clearly <br />seen and understood by viewers, including television viewers. <br />