Agenda 11-19-19 Item 12-2 - Information Item - Memorandum - Minutes - Intergovernmental Collaboration with Municipal Partners
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Agenda - 11-19-19 Business Meeting
Agenda 11-19-19 Item 12-2 - Information Item - Memorandum - Minutes - Intergovernmental Collaboration with Municipal Partners
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Last modified
11/14/2019 12:28:30 PM
Creation date
11/14/2019 12:13:43 PM
Meeting Type
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Agenda 11-19-19 Business Meeting
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8 <br /> including it is an area that wouldn't be an appropriate industrial site anyway. Mr. Greene <br /> expressed concern about development west of the Doby property and Mr. Myren responded <br /> there will be a work session to look at Economic Development Districts which may need to be <br /> reworked so that growth in Buckhorn can be accommodated. Ms. Hammersley said that Craig <br /> Benedict will talk with Mebane staff about potentials. Mr. Greene requested that Ms. Philipps <br /> and he, along with the rest of the Council, hear updates as well. Ms. Philipps noted that there <br /> were probably other parcels that are unsuitable for economic development and elected officials <br /> take some heat with the public when a parcel that was deemed unsuitable for industrial <br /> development is rezoned for residential. <br /> Development, Transportation issues <br /> Ms. Rich requested a list of developments that Mebane has adopted and approved when it <br /> looks like the building may affect Orange County. She added that as the Work Group is thinking <br /> regionally, it will be important to consider transportation and moving people around, <br /> considering what increased development might mean for traffic. Mr. Greene shared the place <br /> with the largest growth in Mebane is old Hillsborough Road where probably 1,500 houses are <br /> located near Jones Road. <br /> Climate Mitigation <br /> Ms. Philipps reflected that she wasn't sure what the climate mitigation plan is in Mebane, <br /> except she tries to be mindful about climate impact when approving subdivisions. Ms. Rich <br /> indicated that just mentioning the idea of a plan to your Board gets them starting to think <br /> about their policy. Ms. Price indicated when the planning/zoning Board was working on some <br /> projects in Mebane they identified issues dealing with climate, such as not paving the entire <br /> parking lot and having a tree canopy. Some of these items might already be included in <br /> ordinances. <br /> Ms. Rich commented that Orange County has a Climate Action Intergovernmental Committee <br /> that has just started meeting. They're going to come back to the BOCC with suggestions and a <br /> quarter-cent sales tax that will help mitigate some of the problems. She reflected it would be <br /> good to have a representative from Mebane on the committee. <br /> Ms. Philipps updated the Work Group on Mebane's transportation plan that incorporates <br /> multiple modes of transportation and ensures sidewalks are added when the Department of <br /> Transportation puts in new roads. <br /> Mr. Greene shared concerns about recycling since China is no longer taking plastics and those <br /> that are recycled are going to a landfill somewhere. He also wondered if there were any <br /> initiatives to eliminate plastic bags. Ms. Price responded that it can't be mandated, but <br /> pressure has to come via public engagement campaigns and individual stores can decide to ban <br /> them. Ms. Rich let the group know that Weaver Street doesn't have any plastic bags. <br /> Ms. Rich noted that there could be opportunities to partner on solid waste at some point in the <br /> future. She visited the ENTSORGA plant in West Virginia and learned how they take all solid <br /> Mebane Work Group Minutes, September 2019, Page 7 <br />
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