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7 <br /> industries are our largest taxpayers and they're also providing jobs and, for those raising a <br /> family, sometimes people want their children to be able to stay in their town. In order for that <br /> to happen you have to expand the job base as well as the housing base. <br /> Mr. Greene emphasized the excellent salaries, health and retirement benefits and bonuses that <br /> Medline will offer. Ms. Rich shared that in addition to the excellent salaries and benefits, <br /> Medline will have a Leed Platinum building and that this is the kind of industry that is being <br /> attracted to that area. Mr. Greene requested that Mebane be kept in mind for potential new <br /> industries. <br /> Extension of the Mebane Extraterritorial Jurisdiction <br /> Moving to the next topic of discussion, Ms. Philipps wondered if expanding Mebane's <br /> Extraterritorial Jurisdiction will be helpful so the town is annexing parts are already in its ETJ. <br /> Mr. Myren indicated the County has allocated funds in the current year budget for a consultant <br /> to update the small area plan and could result in a recommendation to expand the ETJ. Ms. <br /> Price asked how would this affect the Efland/Mebane small area plan from 2006, which she <br /> found online. Mr. Myren responded that the old plan needs to be refreshed. <br /> Perry Hills <br /> Ms. Philipps brought up the Perry Hills area and shared that Mebane continues to get pressure <br /> from an environmental justice group for for failing to provide water and sewer capacity to <br /> various areas around Mebane, including Perry Hills. These areas are outside of the ETJ and <br /> outside its potential service area. In the past, she said, her understanding was that Mebane <br /> could not possibly service it, but it was possible that with the extension of the sewer service <br /> that the County has put in over the last ten years, there may be other areas of underserved <br /> folks who are on septic systems that could be picked up. Ms. Rich asked how that fits with <br /> providing water and sewage sewer for places that aren't in Mebane? Ms. Philipps responded <br /> that it doesn't, but wants to be cognizant of ways to remediate past wrongs and be responsible <br /> for everybody in the area. <br /> Ms. Rich wondered if Perry Hills then gets annexed into Mebane if it was going to get water <br /> service. Ms. Philipps said she would hope so because then they could vote and have <br /> representation. Mr. Greene added that the other thing to keep in mind is that then residents <br /> would have to start paying taxes. Renee Price shared what projects the County has been <br /> working with them on, including roads and other projects, which have been completed. Her <br /> observation was something else to consider is bus transportation. <br /> Buckhorn <br /> Mr. Greene asked about Orange County's opinion about Buckhorn, noting that at one point it <br /> was zoned non-residential, but that seems to have changed. Mr. Myren clarified that at the last <br /> Board retreat, there seemed to be consensus to keep it non-residential. Ms. Philipps wondered <br /> if the Doby property subdivision that got approved a couple of months ago was objectionable <br /> to Orange County. To which Mr. Myren responded it wasn't objectionable to the County <br /> because they looked at it carefully and it was approved for a couple of different reasons, <br /> Mebane Work Group Minutes, September 2019, Page 6 <br />