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5 <br /> • Long range planning <br /> • Perry Hills <br /> • Transportation issues <br /> • Continued partnership <br /> Work Group members determined the priorities for discussion, which ore reflected in the order <br /> outlined below. <br /> Planning for schools <br /> Ms. Rich began by noting that for a long time SAPFO has helped determine when the next <br /> school will be built, but Mebane wasn't part of SAPFO, so we were constantly asking "when are <br /> you building?" Now Mebane is part of the SAPFO process and that is an important tool for <br /> determining where schools will be built.This is connected with long-term planning, extending <br /> the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, as well as the amount of single-family homes being built. Ms. <br /> Price shared that even though there are algorithms to determine trends based on housing, <br /> these aren't totally accurate. Mebane might be growing into Orange County Schools, but <br /> different schools are at different capacities and we're going to have to look at redistricting, <br /> especially for elementary schools. She asked: How does the growth of Mebane impact Orange <br /> County schools? Also, what is the impact of charter schools? What is the trend? <br /> Ms. Philipps wondered if SAPFO was sufficient and how timely the information from Mebane <br /> was. She shared that some housing units that have been approved that haven't scraped the <br /> earth yet, so having approved housing in projections versus having housing starts would make a <br /> difference. She suggested examining the method for notification to make sure Mebane is doing <br /> everything possible to get the County the information it needs. <br /> Mr. Greene asked if when Mebane sends the County information that a housing development <br /> happening, is there a feedback process from the County to indicate approval? Mr. Myren <br /> responded that the formal SAPFO agreement between Orange County and Chapel Hill/Carrboro <br /> says if this development triggers a new school, then it gets postponed. Since Mebane isn't a <br /> signatory to that agreement, that doesn't apply to Mebane. The County does get timely <br /> information and it currently is pointing to needing a new elementary school somewhere in the <br /> western part of the County. One of the tangible results of this Work Group could be answering <br /> the questions: Should we be eyeing a school site and where would that be appropriate? Where <br /> does the city want it? Where does the County want it? It has to be connected to water and <br /> sewer and have access to transportation. As the redistricting process unfolds, they can zero in <br /> on an area that seems like it could work. Mr. Myren indicated information will be shared with <br /> Mebane as it is available. <br /> Mr. Greene asked how many houses are anticipated between Daniel Boone and the next exit? <br /> Mr. Myren answered that there will be a thousand units. Mr. Greene wondered if we should be <br /> looking now for a site and finding out where Mebane is in the numbers of potential students. <br /> Mebane Work Group Minutes, September 2019, Page 4 <br />