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33 <br /> responded the last time this funding request was considered was 2014/ 2015. She indicated it <br /> would be helpful to the county to receive data that showed a breakdown of Hillsborough and <br /> Carrboro users. Ms. Hemminger added we have the data right now about how many non- <br /> Chapel Hill users who are from Orange County and will work to break that down further. <br /> Ms. Rich asked if charging non-Chapel Hill residents for a library card had been considered. Ms. <br /> Anderson responded that was not a part of the conversation, adding the orientation of the <br /> board is to make the library as accessible as possible and move towards an equity-model where <br /> individuals aren't charged. <br /> Ms. Hammersley said she has heard from some commissioners they would like to wait and see <br /> the impact of the Southern Branch Library because the county will be funding that as well. <br /> Mr. Jones asked when the Southern Branch Library was to open. Ms. Hammersley responded <br /> hopefully the groundbreaking will occur in the spring, once Carrboro resolves some parking <br /> issues. <br /> Ms. Hemminger said a formal letter of request will be submitted once the library board collects <br /> the data needed. <br /> Economic Development <br /> Ms. Hemminger described the desire to continue to partner with the county. There are a lot of <br /> projects going on at the moment and as much as possible strong communication will help. She <br /> recognized closed session discussions make open communication challenging. <br /> Mr. Myren gave an update on real estate, noting appraisals have come in totaling about $5.2 <br /> million on the three parcels: Visitor's Center, Skills Development Center and the parking lot. The <br /> expectation is the sales price will be the appraisal figure. What we are struggling with now is <br /> finding space for the Skills Development Center to move into before the Southern Branch <br /> library is built. Long term it will go there, but the process has been stalled because of <br /> Carrboro's parking questions. What we would want help with is some appropriate location for <br /> the Skills Development Center for 12,000-15,000 square feet with access to transportation and <br /> parking. The appraisal indicated the highest and best use is for demolition of existing buildings <br /> and mixed use. <br /> In terms of a new place for the Skills Development Center and the Visitor's Bureau, Mr. Myren <br /> indicated University Place had been approached and the county had received some push back <br /> because University Place indicated they were only looking for retail. Mr. Myren said the county <br /> was preparing additional information to share about foot traffic. <br /> Ms. Hemminger said the town would love to keep the Visitor's Bureau in downtown Chapel Hill. <br /> Ms. Price added she wanted to make sure UNC start-ups are able to stay in Orange County. Ms. <br /> Hemminger added this is a top goal of the town as well: keeping start-ups and helping them <br /> Chapel Hill Work Group Minutes, October 2019, Page 6 <br />